Building A Model Rocket The Estes Viking
The Final Product
Rocket Part Inventory Body Tube Engine Spacer Tube Engine Block Fins Shock Cord Launch Lug Nose Cone and Nose Cone Insert Streamer Shock Cord Mount Decals
Estes Viking Instructions Open the Package Inventory your parts Open the Instructions Build your rocket Add final details to your rocket Paint your rocket And finally; Launch your rocket
Essential Rocket Parts Each part of your rocket has a specific function Make sure that each part is included and installed correctly!
Rocket Building Supplies Glue Pencil Instructions Exacto Knife Sand Paper Plastic Cement Spray Paint or Permanent Markers Ruler (cm)
Shock Cord Mount and Body Tubes and Launch Lugs
Streamer, engine block and nose cone assembly
Fin Preparation Find your fins Pop the fins out of the die cut cardboard sheet. Line up your fins and then sand them Decide on the number and arrangement of the fins
Nose Cone Assembly Your nose cone and the nose cone insert must be glued together with plastic cement
Body Tube Marking and Engine Block Installation Make sure to correctly mark your body tube and engine block by measuring and marking using the marking guide Install the engine block by pushing it into the body tube up to the mark that you have made on the spacer tube
Fin Configuration and Alignment You must decide on the number and configuration for your fins. Once you have marked your body tube you may begin gluing your fins. Make sure that your fins are evenly aligned and straight.
Gluing Fins and Glue Detail Glue your fins along the lines that you have drawn on your body tube. You may apply extra glue after the glue that you have applied has dried
Custom Paint or Decorate Your Rocket
Parts of a Rocket Engine
Rocket Engine Basics
Rocket Launch System
Rocket Flight Path