Written Calculations Workshop 1 Addition All information can be found on our website:
Vocabulary of Addition
Reception – ages 4-5yrs
Years 1 and 2 – ages 5-7yrs
Years 3 and 4– ages 7-9yrs
Years 5 and 6– ages 9-11yrs
Links to other aspects of maths Now let’s try! Without addition, children would not be able to: Multiply Children use repeated addition as a means of multiplying e.g. 4 x 8 can be described as If children can’t multiply, they can’t solve problems involving area e.g. How much carpet is needed for the lounge? How many tins of paint will I need for the bedroom?
Links to real life Without addition, we would not be able to: Work out how much dog food you need to buy in order to feed your dog for a week...a month...a year! Work out how much your shopping would cost altogether to know whether you have enough money to buy that special treat this week! Work out what time you need to arrive somewhere e.g. A friend asks you to meet them in three hours, you have to add on three hours to the current time. Work out how much you need to tip your waiter e.g. You want to add on 10% to your current bill. Work out that if you’ve just got paid, how much money do you know have in total in your bank account to be able to spend on that holiday you want to book! Work out the right measures for ingredients to get the correct ratio e.g. 4oz of butter added to 4oz of sugar and 4oz of flour will show up as 12oz on my scales