What causes autism? Meghan Costello
ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and by restricted, repetitive, or stereotyped behavior. Background
Autism is the most prevalent social, behavioral, and/or communication related disorder.
1 in 50 children are diagnosed with autism every year
Three suspected causes of autism: Vaccines Environmental Aspects Genetics Cause?
~50% genetics ~40% "unknown" ~10% vaccines, environmental, other
s9dY ez7FOi-s9dYhttps:// ez7FOi-s9dY (start at 0:21) Vaccine Controversy
"Environment" refers to anything that is outside of the body. Air Water Minerals Plants Animals Chemicals Environment
Fraternal twins vs. siblings
Genetics is the most commonly speculated cause of autism. Children with autism are evaluated by neurologists to try to find the genetic or medical cause, but more often than not, there is no identifiable causation. Genetics
What do you think?
Vaccines: Innocent Evidence
Environment: Partially Guilty Genetics: Partially Guilty Evidence
Works Cited "Autism Types, Signs, Therapies, Causes, and More." WebMD. WebMD, 13 Dec Web. 10 June "Autism." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 Aug Web. 10 June "Causes of Autism." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 Oct Web. 10 June "Genetics of Autism, Autism Evaluation, Types of Autism." Genetics of Autism, Autism Evaluation, Types of Autism. University of Florida, 10 Nov Web. 10 June Hansen, Lauren. "Autism and Vaccines: A Timeline of the Dubious Theory and the Ongoing Debate - The Week." The Week. The Week, 8 Apr Web. 10 June Rodreguez, Diana. "Do Vaccines Cause Autism?" EverydayHealth.com. Everyday Health, 1 Nov Web. 10 June Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Definition." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 06 Oct Web. 10 June Willingham, Emily. "Autism And Genetics: It's Complicated." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 16 Jan Web. 10 June 2013.