How to apply
Application process Searching for job openings Understand the position and location Creating a profile and preparing an application Submitting a job application Evaluation of the application Assessment exercise Competency-based interview Selection notification Background checks
Searching for job openings JOB ALERTS A lot of information is available. You can narrow down your job search. 3
Searching for job openings Examples of job openings. 4
Before preparing your application Understand the position and location Improves your ability to position yourself to meet the needs of the hiring office Saves time and reduces frustration that results from applying for jobs not suited to your strengths, aspirations and personal circumstances What is an Application? The Application is an extended online resume specifically used by the United Nations. It is a document that allows you to indicate your education, experience and achievements. It is used to evaluate your eligibility and suitability to be considered for a job opening. The Application can be updated and changed at any time for submission to new job openings and is used by all applicants, internal as well as external. Completing your Application Completing your Application requires articulation of your education, competencies, achievements and professional experience. It is your opportunity to tell your story in a way that demonstrates that you are the best candidate for the job. Understanding the job requirements Make sure you find as much information about the job as possible and apply only to those jobs that are suited to your strengths and aspirations.
Creating a profile & preparing an application Inspira
Personal History Profile (PHP) Personal Information Education and publications Employment history Languages References
Personal History Profile (PHP) (Employment history) Description of Duties Duties: What you did in your job Describe your responsibilities with careful attention to the vacancy for which you are applying Use Current job: present tense Past job(s): past tense Summary of Achievements Achievements: How well you did in your job Provide specific examples where you made an impact/contribution in the positions for your Education and Publications Description of Duties Highlight your job responsibilities. Describe your duties with careful attention to the vacancy for which you are applying. Use action verbs; Current job in present tense All others in past tense. Summary of Achievements Provide specific examples where you made an impact in the positions for your employers. Be specific in describing the impact/ contributions you have made.
Cover Letter Describe how your experience, qualifications and competencies match the specific position You can distinguish yourself from other candidates by highlighting what makes you a good match for the position Structure Open with a statement of interest Summarize your qualifications, experience and competencies relating to the specific positions Close with a brief recapitulation Make it impressive and customize it Preparing the Cover Letter The cover letter, which you must complete when applying for a job at the United Nations, is the personal introduction that accompanies your application. Your aim in the cover letter is to describe how your experience, qualifications and competencies match the job for which you are applying. Think of your cover letter as an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other job seekers by highlighting what makes you the best match for the position. Your cover letter should be brief, three to four paragraphs, and as targeted as possible to the position for which you are applying. Focus on the most relevant parts of your background that relate to the job opening.
Additional Tips The UN will first get to know you through your application/PHP Be truthful, accurate and specific Make your words count Write/edit in word processor Proofread Print application/PHP on screen or paper to check Save your applications Be concise. Make your words count. Your use of language is extremely important; you need to project yourself efficiently. Address the job's needs with clearly written, powerful phrases. Provide small, digestible pieces of information. Use action verbs Avoid passive sentence constructions Avoid clichés Make the most of your experience. We need to know what you have accomplished to have an idea of what you can do for us. Don't be vague. Especially in your achievements section, focus on what you've accomplished and achieved, as opposed to what you do on a daily basis. Be honest. There is a difference between making the most of your experience and exaggerating or falsifying it. Target. Target. Target. Be specific. If you are going after more than one job opening, customize your application accordingly. The system allows you to update it, so you can tailor your application for a specific position. The same applies to your cover letters – customize them for each application. Customizing the cover letter is the easiest way for you to demonstrate that you have clearly read and understood the job opening.
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