Advocating for Reasonable Accommodation and Reasonable Modification With PHAs Midwest Regional Housing Forum September 11, 2003 Ann O’Hara Technical Assistance Collaborative, Inc.
2 What is a PHA? Public Housing Authority Separate government organization Administer 3.2 million government subsidized housing resources for low income households PHAs nationally State PHAs Local PHAs
3 How Do PHA Programs Work?
4 PHA Programs Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program – 2 million vouchers Public Housing program – 1.2 million units Hope VI program – Public Housing Revitalization
5 PHAs and Fair Housing PHA programs must comply with federal Fair Housing laws Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) Fair Housing Act (1988) Fair Housing Act (1988) People with disabilities must have an equal opportunity to participate in PHA programs Under these laws, PHAs must provide “reasonable modification” and “reasonable accommodation” for people with disabilities when needed to facilitate participation
6 Reasonable Modification Making physical modifications to a housing unit or common area/facilities so that it can be used by a person with a disability Unit modifications such as wider doorways, entrance ramps, accessible bathroom and kitchen, etc. Unit modifications such as wider doorways, entrance ramps, accessible bathroom and kitchen, etc. Common areas/facility modifications such as laundry rooms, parking areas, etc. Common areas/facility modifications such as laundry rooms, parking areas, etc. Modification is “reasonable” if it does not impose an “undue financial burden” on the owner
7 Reasonable Accommodation A change in a housing program policy or practice in order to facilitate participation by people with disabilities Examples Modifying application procedures Modifying application procedures Modifying screening criteria Modifying screening criteria Modifying other rules/policies Modifying other rules/policies “Reasonable” accommodation defined as one that does not alter the fundamental nature of the program and does not impose an undue financial burden
8 PHAs and Fair Housing Laws Some PHAs do not understand their Fair Housing obligations PHAs required to do an assessment of their Fair Housing policies and practices PHAs required to inform people with disabilities of their right to request a reasonable modification/reasonable accommodation PHAs required to have written policies PHA Section 504 Coordinator Disability advocates need to engage PHAs to ensure compliance with Fair Housing Laws
9 Section 8 Voucher Program Largest federal housing assistance program (2 million units) Helps assist low income-families, elders, and people with disabilities to pay for decent and safe housing Provides financial assistance in the private housing market through a rent “subsidy” which is based on (1) household income and (2) the cost of housing
10 Benefits of Section 8 for People with Disabilities People can rent/own housing of their choice in communities of their choice It is permanent, long term, and affordable – Tenants typically pay between 30% and 40% of their income towards housing costs It is independent housing which can be linked with – but is separate from – flexible services and supports Section 8 tenant-based and project-based programs Section 8 homeownership program
11 How does the Section 8 program actually work? Section 8 is not an entitlement! (Less than 300,000 non- elderly disabled households currently receive Section 8 voucher assistance) Households must apply and get on the PHA waiting list PHAs are permitted to give “preference” to people with disabilities – not many do Once a Section 8 voucher is “issued”, the household must identify housing in the private rental market that can be approved under the Section 8 rules The Section 8 subsidy is paid directly to the owner The Section 8 household pays their share of the rent (30% to 40% of their income) directly to the owner
12 Section 8 and People with Disabilities Section 8 is complicated PHAs can be bureaucratic People with disabilities can have difficulty accessing/using the Section 8 program Federal Fair Housing Laws can help PHAs may not fully understand their responsibilities under federal Fair Housing laws
13 Key Section 8 Activities Outreach and Application Process Eligibility and Screening Waiting List Verifications Getting a Voucher Section 8 Fair Market Rents and Utility Allowances Leasing Process On-going Program Responsibilities
14 Outreach/Application PHAs are required to do outreach to the community to: Establish a new Section 8 waiting list Establish a new Section 8 waiting list To add names to an existing Section 8 waiting list To add names to an existing Section 8 waiting list PHAs are allowed to limit outreach to those households that are potentially eligible for the vouchers PHAs have “mixed” track record on outreach to people with disabilities PHAs can provide advance notice to disability organizations as a reasonable accommodation PHAs can provide assistance with Section 8 application process as a reasonable accommodation
15 Screening Criteria Eviction from public housing or termination from Section 8 program Recent drug related or violent criminal activity Fraud in a HUD program Owes $$ to a PHA Prior tenant history – at discretion of PHA Exceptions as reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities
16 Getting a Voucher and Obtaining Housing Participant is given days to search for appropriate housing Reasonable accommodation to obtain additional housing search time Reasonable accommodation to obtain additional housing search time Exception Rents PHA can approve up to 110 percent of Fair Market Rent PHA can approve up to 110 percent of Fair Market Rent HUD can approve up to 120 percent of Fair Market Rent HUD can approve up to 120 percent of Fair Market Rent Higher rents have been approved by HUD Higher rents have been approved by HUD Exceptions needed for modified or barrier-free units Exceptions needed for modified or barrier-free units Exceptions needed in high cost areas Exceptions needed in high cost areas
17 Other Section 8 Reasonable Accommodations Section 8 “Special Housing Types” Group Homes Group Homes Congregate Housing Congregate Housing SRO units SRO units Shared Housing (roommates) Shared Housing (roommates) Unrelated disabled households approach – two or more unrelated people with disabilities sharing a voucher Approval of larger unit size to accommodate live-in aide or support service staff Section 8 Homeownership option
18 Public Housing Program Accommodations/Modifications Application process Screening criteria Lease termination/eviction Unit and common area modifications
19 Hope VI Opportunities Hundreds of Hope VI grants now being implemented by PHAs “Mixed income” and revitalized public housing Opportunities for: New public housing units New public housing units Community integration Community integration Accessible units Accessible units Visitable housing Visitable housing Increasing participation by people with disabilities in federal public housing program Increasing participation by people with disabilities in federal public housing program Off-set loss of public housing from “elderly only” housing policies Off-set loss of public housing from “elderly only” housing policies
20 Engaging PHAs Goal is systematic change – not case by case Educate on Fair Housing laws, Olmstead decision and needs of people with disabilities “Culture” of some PHAs Collect and use data Have a strategy - Know what you want to change Engage PHA membership organizations (State NAHRO)
21 Engaging PHAs (2) Involve allies State Protection and Advocacy organizations State Protection and Advocacy organizations Legal services organizations Legal services organizations Disability rights groups Disability rights groups Self-advocacy groups Self-advocacy groups Disability organizations Disability organizations HUD Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity Office can help Be persistent – the law is on your side!