A well written narrative writing is like an exhilarating rollercoaster!
There are 3 parts to a good Narrative outline: BEFORE (the big moment), DURING (the big moment), and AFTER (the big moment). There are 3 parts to every good roller coaster: the slow ride up, the moment of extreme excitement at the top of the roller coaster, and the quick drop to the bottom.
Before the big moment
During the big moment
After the big moment
PROMPT: Think of a time when something exciting happened to you. It may have been something you did not expect, or it may have been something you planned. It may have been funny, scary, or happy. Write a story for a friend telling what happened when something exciting happened to you. Make your story as clear and as interesting as you can.
Think about what the prompt is asking you…when did something exciting happen to you? Every good story has a “BIG” moment that happens in the middle of your writing. There should also be at least 2 events leading up to the BIG MONENT. On your outline, complete the DURING first.
DURING…the BIG MOMENT (This should not begin before the 2 nd hole) Event#1: Kent suddenly gunned the Four wheeler. Event#2: He turned one curve without even slowing down. *THE BIG MOMENT: The sled flipped with us on it!
Every good story takes time to introduce the characters and “let us into their world”. This information is given in the first paragraph, which is the BEFORE section of your outline. Your BIG MOMENT will not be exciting if you have not done a good job of introducing your characters.
BEFORE…the BIG MOMENT WHO? Me, my brother, cousins, and my grandmother (Characters) WHAT? We were watching the guys target practice as the girls sat on the porch enjoying lots of laughs. (Showing Action) WHEN? Fall afternoon (Setting) WHERE? Campsite (Setting)
Every good story has a satisfying ending that brings all the events to a close. This information is given in the last paragraph, which is the AFTER section of your outline.
AFTER…the BIG MOMENT (This should not begin before the 2 nd page ) Event# 1: Susie and Grandmother rushed to us in a fearful panic. Event # 2: Kent just sat stunned on the fourwheeler. Event # 3: I told Kent that I would never ride on a four wheller again with him driving. Concluding Event: While walking back to the camp, we laughed and were thankful that we were alright.
The sunny fall afternoon had been filled with lots of scrumptious food, target practice, and skeet shooting. The girls were enjoying lots of laughs as we sat on the campsite porch watching the guys do what they called target practice. Calling it a day for target practice, Kent, Susie, Brandon, Grandmother, and myself decided to venture out for some fun of our own.
Driving up to the camp on our four wheeler, I could see the adventure in Kent and Brandon’s eyes. They had already been on a wild ride of their own. They asked if we wanted to go riding for a while and we said, “Sure, why not?” Jumping on the four wheeler, we spun off into the trails. The first few hills were a thrill of their own, but nothing compared to what awaited us around the bend. As we flew down the last hill, we were headed for the first plot of tall green grass. Once we arrived at the field, we decided to be somewhat adventurous and let Kent pull us behind the four wheeler in the sled. Grandmother went first and she was laughing like a hyena. She got out of the sled smiling, so I figured I was in safe hands. Boy was I wrong! Kent suddenly gunned it. I was swiveling and sliding so fast that I could barely keep my head up. The tall grass slapped against my legs as I screamed at the turn of every curve. Then all of a sudden on one curve, he did not slow down at all. Before I had time to realize anything, the sled flipped and so did I. I rolled onto the grass like a lifeless rag doll.
For a moment, I just laid there wondering if I was alright. I immediately knew that I had a serious headache. Susie and Grandmother rushed to me in a fearful panic. Once I was able to get to my feet, there was a great sigh of relief. Kent sat stunned on the four wheeler with his head in his hands. I assured him that I was fine, but that I would never ever get near a four wheeler that he was driving again. Walking back to the camp, we laughed and were thankful that we didn’t have to be rushed to the Emergency Room. I have experienced lots of grass stains in my life, but never ones in my hair!