PRACTICAL APPRENTICESHIP CENTER (“PAC”) Builds on a 75-year history of American apprenticeship programs to address workforce & community needs of the 21 st century knowledge economy
WHAT IS PAC Brings together students, professional volunteers and nonprofits to strategically build tomorrow’s workforce with enhancing communities and strengthening nonprofits
WHY Unlike a traditional apprentice program, PAC employs techniques to produce a qualified workforce that: Leverages education and training that transfers knowledge and skills of seasoned volunteers to the future workforce Provides critical capacity building services needed by non-profits and small businesses Promotes community and civic involvement to create the next generation that is ready to work, ready to lead, and ready to serve
WHO During its first six years, more than 200 FSU students have participated in this program. As a result, these future business leaders have gained workforce-ready skills in technology, communications, research, and public policy. More than 90% of these same students have obtained employment post-college and credit their experiences at PAC as a key reason for their hiring success.
WHERE The PAC is a partner with The Florida State University College of Communication & Information and The Children’s Campaign.
CREDIT Mr Ebrahim Randeree------> Thanks for this brilliant idea. Now I have a better understanding of Practical Apprenticeship Center (“PAC”) My group-----> I couldn’t have complete this without you. Thanks!