The Periodic Table Why is it called that?
The Periodic Table 8.5 Matter and energy. The student knows that matter is composed of atoms and has chemical and physical properties. The student is expected to: (A) describe the structure of atoms, including the masses, electrical charges, and locations, of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and electrons in the electron cloud; (B) identify that protons determine an element's identity and valence electrons determine its chemical properties, including reactivity; (C) interpret the arrangement of the Periodic Table, including groups and periods, to explain how properties are used to classify elements;
The Periodic Table Where are some places you have visited that have areas or items organized into categories?
The Periodic Table Come up with a list of 10 items Come up with your own system for organizing or categorizing these items Use the construction paper to create a table to display your items in categories Be able to explain your system for organizing the items the way you did to the class
The Periodic Table The Periodic Table is organized with a system for classifying all of the elements
The Periodic Table Elements are made of atoms What are atoms? a unit of matter which is the smallest amount of a element that exists
The Periodic Table An atom is made up of – Protons – Neutrons – Electrons
The Periodic Table The Protons – are found in the nucleus, They have a positive charge (+) Protons have a mass of 1 amu
The Periodic Table The Neutrons – are found in the nucleus They have no charge – they’re neutral Neutrons have a mass of 1 amu
The Periodic Table The Electrons – move in an electron cloud or energy levels around the nucleus They have a negative charged (-) Electrons have a mass of amu
The Periodic Table So electrons are much smaller than protons & neutrons +
The Periodic Table How many electrons can fit in the: – First shell or energy level of an atom? – Second shell or energy level – Third shell or energy level
The Periodic Table What is the Bohr Model? A simple model that depicts the number and location of protons, neutrons, & electrons
The Periodic Table Organize the Bohr Model cards into groups and periods using patterns You may use the periodic Table to help organize the Bohr models
The Periodic Table What patterns do you see in your arrangement of the Bohr Model cards? Do any of the patterns repeat?
The Periodic Table The Bohr Model – how can you tell which atom this Bohr model represents? Count the number of protons – which is equal to the atomic number
The Periodic Table: Why Is It Called That? This repeating pattern is called a “periodic” property or trend which is how the Periodic Table of Elements got its name. The properties repeat themselves Periodic properties help you predict the property of the next element in a group or period.
The Periodic Table: Why Is It Called That? Can you think of any other repeating, periodic patterns that occur in nature? – Seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter – ALWAYS occur in the same order/definite repeating, periodic pattern) – Phases of the Moon– ALWAYS occur in the same order/definite repeating, periodic pattern – Tides – ALWAYS occur in the same order/definite repeating, periodic pattern – Daytime & Nighttime – ALWAYS occur in the same order/definite repeating, periodic pattern Periodic properties help you predict what comes next.
The Periodic Table
The Periodic Table: Why Is It Called That? Periodic Trends or Properties are repeating patterns
The Periodic Table: Why Is It Called That?
The Periodic Table Read the Periodic Table Information Sheet – staple this into your Science Journal
The Periodic Table FIRST, ON THE BACK OF YOUR PERIODIC TABLE: – Write your full name – REGULAR Science teacher’s Name & – REGULAR Science class period – this will be turned in for a grade Use the information sheet to color-code your Periodic Table
The Periodic Table Use the directions & information sheet to color-code your Periodic Table 1.Color Hydrogen pink 2.Color the metalloids purple - 3.Color the metals yellow 4.Color the nonmetals orange 5.Color the lanthanides red 6.Color the actinides green
The Periodic Table Use the directions & information sheet to color-code your Periodic Table 1.Place one black dot in each box of the alkali metals 2.Draw a horizontal line in each box of the alkaline earth metals 3.Draw a diagonal line in each box of the transitional metals 4.Draw brown circles around each box of the halogens 5.Draw checkerboard lines in each box of the Nobel gases 6.Using a black color, trace the zig zag line that separates the metals from the nonmetals
The Periodic Table Use the directions & information sheet to color-code your Periodic Table 1.Make a key to indicate which color identifies which group 2.Be sure to write – Write your full name – REGULAR Science teacher’s Name & – REGULAR Science class period ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET this will be turned in for a grade
Metals Nonmetals Metalloids Nobel Gases
The Periodic Table
EXIT TICKET: – on the OUTSIDE of your name tent – write: your REGULAR Science teacher’s Name & REGULAR Science class period – on the INSIDE of your name tent – write: “The Table of Elements is called the Periodic Table because … (you complete this sentence)