CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS 13 Web Promotion. CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Learning Outcomes  Identify Commonly Used Search Engines  Describe Components of a Search.


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Presentation transcript:

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS 13 Web Promotion

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Learning Outcomes  Identify Commonly Used Search Engines  Describe Components of a Search Engine  Design Web Pages that Are Search Engine Friendly  Submit a Website for Inclusion in a Search Engine  Monitor a Search Engine Listing  Describe Other Website Promotion Activities  Use the iframe Element to Create an Inline Frame

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS How Consumers Discover Sites

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Overview  Advantages Increased Site Traffic Revenue Opportunities Enhanced Customer Relations  Disadvantages Labor Intensive Consistent Rankings Difficult

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Types  Directory (Yahoo) Categorized  Engines (Google) Algorithm Ranks Keyword Relevance Spiders/Crawlers  Combination  Metacrawlers

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Market Share comScore 8/14

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS 2014 Google Search Trends

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Result Types  Organic Naturally Found as Best Match  Sponsored Paid for Listing Site is Charged if Visitor Clicks on It

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Result Types  Sponsored CPC (Cost Per Click) or PPC (Pay Per Click) Signed Up for Paid Sponsor or Ad Program Price Charged When Visitor Clicks Link to Your Web Site CPM (Cost Per Impressions) Your Cost for Every 1000 Times Your Ad is Displayed Whether or Not Visitor Clicks on Your Ad CTR (Click Through Rate) Ratio of # of Times Ad is Clicked to # of Times Ad is Viewed Ad Shown 100 Times & 20 People Clicked On It CTR Would be 20/100 or 20%

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Result Usage  93% Visit Only First SERP  59% Look No Farther than Third Result  47% Scrolled First SERP SERP PositionClicks #151% #216% #36% #46%

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Design  Home Page & Interior Pages Upper Right  30 Character Text Box Encourage Longer Queries Better Results Reduced Errors Due to Visibility  “Search” on Button Face

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Methodology  Spider / Crawler / Bot Computer Program that Follows Links “Crawls” The Web Accesses & Documents Web Pages Categorizes Pages & Stores Information in a Database  Accesses Following Web Page Components: Title Element Meta Tag Description Text in Headings & Title Attributes Page Content Links

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  META Element Attributes Description <meta name="description" content="College of DuPage faculty site for Mike Losacco, a Professor in Computer Information Systems (CIS) for the Business & Technology Division with expertise in Web Design & Development.">

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  META Element Attributes  Trademark Infringement Use a Company’s Mark to: Confuse Customers Divert Business Eli Lilly v. Natural Answers (11/2000) Prozac in META Tags

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  Keywords Log of Actual Searches Page / Folder Names 7 – 10 Words Max Description 150 Character Max

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  Keywords Image Alt Attribute Anchor Text (Hyperlinks) Anchor Title Attribute  Keyword Density % of Total Content Made Up of Keywords 3% - 10%

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  Page Popularity Frequency Linked To by Other Sites Difficult to Influence Google:

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  Competition View Elements of Top Sites  Reciprocal Links Associations / Directories Affiliate Programs Banner Ads Banner Exchange

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  Miscellaneous Header Element Content Optimization — One of Each on Page Hyphen ( - ) vs. Underscore ( _ ) Name of File vs. Nameoffile Static URLs More Easily Spidered Than Dynamic  Maintenance Periodical Reevaluation of Titles / Tags Update As Content Changes Current Industry Usage & Buzzwords

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  Collect Statistics Referring Sites Search Engines Search Phrases Search Keywords  Minimal Tweaking 3-6 Months to See Results  Track Engine Methodologies

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Social Media Optimization (SMO)  Benefits Increased Brand Awareness Increased Inbound Links (Helpful for SEO)  Methods Social Bookmarking Blogs & RSS Feeds Social Networking Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS QR (Quick Response) Code  Two-dimensional Barcode in a Square Pattern  Readable by: Smartphone Camera Scan Application QR Barcode Reader  Free Generators

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Black Hat SEO  Cloaking Creating Separate Pages for Search Spiders  Search Spam Creating Thousands of Pages with No Real Content Duplicate Information or Lists of Keywords  Link Farms Thousands of Fake Sites Just to Link to Real Site

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Black-Hat SEO  Comment Spam Automated Script Posts Links to Blogs, Forums, etc.  Domain Repurposing Buy Site with Respectable Ranking Completely Replace Content

CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Inline Frame  AKA Floating Frame Embeds One Web Page Within Another in a Scrolling Area Use to Embed YouTube Video  … View the YouTube Video