MASTERS OR PHD In USA ‘Graduate studies’ means MS/PhD. After the undergrad studies (bachelor/BSc) if you want to study further- it will be called graduate studies. So when you will apply to USA, you have to apply in any programs (department) of graduate studies. You can apply to Ms/ PhD after completion of your BSc. Its better to enroll in Ms program in your University at the same time since after application it will take almost a year to get admission.
REQUIREMENTS GRE score TOEFL score (some universities accept IELTS as well) Academic background Publication (optional) Good research work/ experience Job experience Recommendation letter Statement of purpose Resume
GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATION (GRE) GRE is of paramount importance above all Try to start GRE preparation from second year There are three parts in GRE: vocabulary, math, analytical writing Vocabulary (word memorizing part of GRE) will help you in your courses and thesis writing later if you start GRE early Quantitative part of GRE should be started soon since many of us struggle with Maths GRE Big book solve is a must GRE scores are valid for five years
GRE BOOKS Barron’s GRE (word and math good) Kaplan’s GRE Nova (math good) Princeton reviews (analytical writing) GRE Big Book Dr. Raju’s website
GRE GUIDE-LINE If you think you can not study properly alone, you can go to any coaching centers to get general idea about GRE exam These coaching centers will help you memorizing words and solving maths/ mock test Saifur’s, AAA (american alumni association, Banani), Arch Academia, Gateway, GED center etc are some coaching centers These are helpful but expensive as well. So its better if you take preparation by yourself and just before actual exam check yourself by giving some Mock tests in your preferred coaching centers.
TIPS FOR WORDS You have to revise all words you have learnt, before you get into a new word list, otherwise you will forget the old ones Writing in your own note book or keeping word cards help Atleast learn words Learn the barron high frequency words carefully Try to apply new words in your everyday conversation/ writing. Keep in mind that learning words is not only for GRE exam but also for future life in usa
TIPS FOR MATH Make charts for all the formula Solve Barrons, Nova and big book Maths are easy but timing is critical, try to do math as fast as possible Statistical calculation (mean median mode) is also included in GRE (along with algebra, trigonometry)
TIPS FOR ANALYTICAL WRITING Everybody neglects this part, never practice this before exam and fall into difficulty to write in exam hall Follow the princeton book for the rules to write this section Practice atleast 2-3 times before exam
TOEFL This is a language test It has 4 parts: reading, listening, speaking and writing To take this exam you need at least two weeks preparation (more is better) Scores are valid for two years (after you took TOEFL exam you can use this score for admission in next two years, after that your score will be invalid)
BOOKS/CD/GUIDE-LINE Generally you don’t need any book or coaching for this CDs are available in market, these are all practice tests you can try in your computer Barrons, Kaplans, longman etc. Try to practice all four parts Its possible to do good in this test, however, lack of practice may ruin your opportunity In many univs they ask good score (25) in speaking section of TOEFL
HOW TO REGISTER/SEND SCORE FOR GRE/TOEFL Website: You have to create account for GRE tests/ TOEFL tests You will be able to see available test dates in different centers Test fee is charged from credit card (so you will need to manage a credit card) You can give four names of univs during TOEFL registration, your scores will be sent there free of cost. If you don’t give names before the exam day, you have to pay $17 per univ to send your scores In case of of GRE exam, after the exam you will see an option to send your score in univs. So you have to know 4 univs, Depts, codes where you want to send GRE score. Its free for first 4 univs, later you can send scores to additional univs at the rate of $23 Best test center is AAA (banani), but you can visit other centers beforehand just to take a look
ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Good academic background is encouraged GPA should be minimum 3.0 Its better to understand all the concepts and basics of every courses
PUBLICATION Its not very common to have publication at this stage, however, if you have something, its beneficial
RESEARCH/TEACHING EXPERIENCE Working in research center maybe helpful to earn research-assistant-ship (RA) in PhD Teaching experience helps to find teaching- assistant-ship (TA) in graduate studies Actually all graduate students are accepted either as RA or TA in general
RECOMMENDATION LETTER You will need three recommendation letters from your supervisor and teachers who directly taught you in your program You have two options: hard copy from professors or online recommendation (from USA directly to your professor) Select those professors who are in good terms with you (not to mention!)
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE While applying to any university, you have to submit a statement of purpose It will contain your interest, why do you want to do higher studies, why did you select this univ etc This is to be written in a very good way since it carries a lot of wait regarding your admission
RESUME Every time you apply, try to send a resume whether they ask for it or not Mention your every information regarding education, result, passing years, syllabus, thesis/publication title, awards, experiences, extra curricular activities etc. there
SELECTING UNIVERSITIES This is very important Apply for both MS and PhD in same or different department or universities Apply to at least 7-10 different ranked univs (some high, some medium, some low) Try to select it in your field (biological sciences), overall ranking does not reflect its quality in biological sciences schools/top-science-schools/biological-sciences-rankings schools/top-science-schools/biological-sciences-rankings schools/top-science-schools/molecular-biology-rankings schools/top-science-schools/molecular-biology-rankings Its better to apply in microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, biotechnology and other interdisciplinary programs to increase the chance of getting admission Before applying spend time to skim through the individual professors research there, it will help you to get an preliminary idea about each department, if you don’t understand it by only departments name
Send to any professor you find interest in. Sometimes professors help to get admission although direct graduate admission from the university is the usual way Almost all universities have some quality, so do not bother too much about ranking. Its betters not to prefer too high ranked univ. It may not fulfill their high expectations. Its better to do best in your field wherever you are Try to go in USA first, then you can change department/university if you don’t like. Important thing is to go there Contact with others who are now in USA to get the real idea about USA
IN SHORT 1.Aim/ determination for higher studies in USA 2.Prepare yourself for qualifying exams well 3.Play around with USA universities websites to become familiarized with these 4.Write, talk to seniors for suggestion 5.Prepare your resume and statement of purpose and check these with someone 6.Manage professors for recommendation letters 7.Whatever the GRE score is (unless too low) APPLY! Admission depends on several factors.