Proxemics & Body Language
Coming Up! Intro to Proxemics Intro to Body Language Edward T. Hall & Proxemics Amy Cuddy & Body Language Idea Creation
Intro to Proxemics The study of cultural, behavioral, and sociological aspects of spatial differences. (Farlex Dictionary) Proxemics in Different Species - Humans - Animals Personal Space Territory
Not So Different Heini Hediger (Zoologist) Flight Distance (Escape Distance) Critical Distance (Attack Boundary) Personal Distance (Non-contact) Social Distance (Communication)
Personal Space
Personal Space cont. Intimate distance for embracing, touching or whispering - Close phase – less than 6 inches - Far phase – 6 to 18 inches Personal distance for interactions among good friends or family members - Close phase – 1.5 to 2.5 feet - Far phase – 2.5 to 4 feet
Personal Space cont. Social distance for interactions among acquaintances - Close phase – 4 to 7 feet - Far phase – 7 to 12 feet Public distance used for public speaking - Close phase – 12 to 25 feet - Far phase – 25 feet or more.
Territory Public territory: a place where one may freely enter. Interactional territory: a place where people congregate informally Home territory: a place where people continuously have control over their individual territory Body territory: the space immediately surrounding us
Intro to Body Language Subcategory of nonverbal communications Body posture Gestures Facial expressions Eye movements
ET HALL (1914-2009)
The Hidden Dimension (1966) Intimate space Social and consultative spaces Public spaces
Cultural Aspects High Context Culture: symbolic. (physical view; a wink, a greeting) - e.g.: African, Arab, Latin American, French, etc. Low Context Culture: precise communication (depending on the social position) - e.g.: United States, English, German, Irish, Australian, Japan, etc.
Today’s Society
European Vs. Mexican zGrIqAk0
Body Language & Amy Cuddy
Non-Verbals The use of emoticons Ex. Negotiation, good/bad (if used well you can get a better outcome on the deal. If used poorly, it could work against you.
Why are non-verbals important? 1.How we judge others 2.How they judge us 3.What the out comes are Most importantly, we influence our own non- verbals. Ex: The way you sit can help people determine if you’re a high or lower power person.
High and Low Power High power (Alpha): Expand, stretch, take up space and opening up. Ex: Everyone expands to show off power. What’s the first thing they taught you to do when you get face to face with a bear? Low power: Close-up, wrap up, make yourself small. Ex: Every poster that displays depression shows a kid in a corner, isolated and all cuddled up.
High and Low Power cont. High and low power people compliment themselves. One person could be low power with someone and then switch to high power with someone else. Ceo » Manager » Seller Men use more powerful poses than women
“Fake it till you make it” “Our non-verbals govern how others think and feel about us. But most importantly, they can have an impact on how you think and feel about yourself.” It’s been proven that our mind can change our bodies! Powerful mental: assertive,confident,optimistic,think abstractly,take risks. Powerful physical: testosterone (dominant hormone), very little Cortisol (stress hormone) Ex: If someone needs to take the place of the alpha’s, in as little as 4 days, there testosterone has increased and there cortisol has decreased significantly. *the body can change the mind.
Advanced Body-language (Bill Achenson) lZLuREeu5E
Dating Tech WcovKsjvVgM
Idea Creation Our idea creation is a video that explains our project with the help of a real life example. The analysis will be told as the video goes on. We wanted to show how people become annoyed or afraid when their personal space is invaded.
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