H OW DID HUMANS LEARN TO SPEAK ? Our ancestors evolved over millions of years As early humans evolved, the brain grew in size and complexity Anatomical evolution allowed the larynx (voice box), the hyoid bone, and the jaw muscles to produce articulate speech
S POKEN L ANGUAGE Part of the brain that controls speech production is called Broca’s area This part of the brain is more developed in humans than in other primates Language makes possible cultural memory (generation to generation)
D EFINITION : LANGUAGE: a sophisticated communication system that includes vocabulary, or lexicon as well as a set of rules or grammar outlining its proper use
S OME SOCIAL SCIENTISTS SAY THAT WE LEARN LANGUAGE Ivan Pavlov said that “Classic Conditioning” trains us to learn language B.F. Skinner said that positive reinforcement teaches children how to speak
L INGUIST N OAM C HOMSKY : U NIVERSAL G RAMMAR Chomsky says human language uses universal grammar Learning to speak is better described as the unfolding of a genetic program in the brain: language is innately acquired Our brains’ are wired for language
D EFINITION : Universal Grammar: Noam Chomsky’s theory that all the world’s languages share a similar underlying structure
B ODY L ANGUAGE Non-verbal communication can be as revealing as speech or written language Facial expressions and gestures convey powerful messages (Emoticons are an attempt to include body language in e-texts)
D EFINITION : BODY LANGUAGE: the means of communicating information and attitudes in a non-verbal manner
H OW H UMANS C OMMUNICATE COMMUNICATION PROCESS LANGUAGE Speech Writing NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Interaction Distances Clothing, Make-up, Etc. Tone and Character of Voice Body Language
N EW L ANGUAGES AND T ECHNOLOGY Current trend is toward faster and more efficient forms of communication Create a dictionary of (appropriate) textual abbreviations and emoticons Do you think that teachers should allow students to use “MSN” speak or should we stop degrading our language b4 it is 2 late? Why?