Technology is more of a commodity than it has ever been. In particular, the microchip has changed everything. As it has gotten smaller, so have our attention spans. Right now, there is a computer the size of a thumbnail sitting inside my mobile phone that possesses ten times more power than machines that took up two large rooms only forty years ago.
with your phone these days, you can even gets apps where you can create a picture and then upload it on Facebook. How has this changed art? This change has transformed every avenue of life: how we shop, how we bank, where we meet our future friends, where we look at people's cats with captions. Like with all creative outlets, technology has fostered new forms of expression; changing both the ways people create and interact with new work. You can do so much
The use of social networking sites has both positive and negative consequences. It is amazing how someone can find a long-lost friend through a social networking site, enabling them to reconnect. In a society where people have become quite mobile and family and friends are often geographically separated, it is convenient to keep in touch through technology. Social medial sites is always a good tool for getting your work out there, and being known. How has technology made an impact on the digital arts.
Well Maybe, it can be argued, it has also created a certain commodification. Images and words whizz by faster than ever, stars rise and fall; it becomes harder than ever to separate surface. Its so easy now to create art on your phone, but isn’t this some kind of reproduction. Digital Arts
Digital art: Modern technology has transformed traditional art forms such as painting, sculpting and drawing, allowing artists to utilize digital technologies in the production of their pieces Digital consumption of art: Technology has also impacted the way that art is consumed. From the visual arts to music, technology has allowed art to become mobile and instantly accessible around the world, providing greater exposure for today’s artists and paying homage to artists of the past. Has true painting died out? Anyone now can create a painting on your iPad or iPhone. You could even have an exhibition, like David Hockney did.
Will you argue that new technology is vital to exposing people to art? What do you personally believe about the effects of technology People also said rock and roll was bad for you! So is this new art selfies, iPad art, really that bad. Or do you think art should just continue to be original oil paintings, art on canvases, art on paper Its mixed opinions. What would Walter Benjamin think about this.
Selfies seems to be the new fashion now it’s even got a place in the dictionary it’s become a phenomenon a fashion trend. Nina Nesbit the song selfies sums it up as she talks about posing, getting the light right, pouting your lips and then snap. I must admit a lot of people use their phones to take pictures; is this still though? photography
Clothing stores install iPads in changing rooms for shoppers to take selfies, share with friends and get a second opinion on whether your bum really does look big in those jeans. Its usage has apparently increased by 17,000 per cent over the past 12 months and it was even named the Oxford Dictionary's word of the year. And it seems that the power of the 'selfie' - defined as a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam, and uploaded to a social media website - shows no sign of abating thanks to image conscious Brits. Shoppers can now take selfies trying on clothes in store changing rooms and send them to their friends for a second opinion.
Earliest ways of communication, if there was a world without technology how would we survive?
Technology and digital media can be a great help to reach out to other people and spread your message to a very large platform. You can reach anyone, at any time, and communicate in real time. So whether technology is aiding our life and making it easier, or creating new challenges and stress for us, really depends on how we react and interact with the new technologies. If -- when technology solves one of our problems -- we keep immediately coming up with new, larger problems, no technology will ever be able to satisfy our constantly new needs. However, if we allow technology to make our life easier, and focus more on the quality, rather than the quantity of life, and also learn how to use technology to our greatest advantage -- such as how to use it to influence others -- we can all greatly benefit.
Technology Selfies Digital Arts Movies Special effects Phones Social media Events Photography Music Blogging 3D printers Robots Technology will just keep on expanding
Walter Benjamin text The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction might have been written in the 30’s but to me it still feels modern. To me its similar to how society is today I think he would be amazed by 3D printers taking over, art produced on your iPad, selfies becoming popular, he would find it all interesting. Any questions?