Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Healthy Workplace Award
Cornwall & Isles Of Silly ‘Healthy Workplace Award’ The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Award is a county standard of good practice and quality mark of health and wellbeing in the workplace. It has been produced following research in to effective and successful workplace health awards in Wales, Scotland and Plymouth and is based on NICE guidance. Most importantly, to ensure it meets local needs a 6 month pilot was conducted working with 10 local businesses.
Cornwall & Isles Of Silly ‘Healthy Workplace Award’ The aim of the award is to act as a toolkit to encourage employers to think about ways to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees. The toolkit provides steps to achieve and improve in a wide range of health areas mentioned in the ten criteria. The process enables focus on the current good practices in place within an organisation and assists in recognising priorities and providing solutions to addressing any highlighted issues specific to the company and the working population.
There are three levels of the award Bronze, Silver & Gold & 10 sets of Criteria
Support Available from the Health Promotion Service Health Promotion Service can offer: Support in working towards the ‘Healthy Workplace Award’ Free Smoking Cessation Support in the workplace setting Shape Up – Weight Management Courses Training –Stress in the Workplace –Alcohol in the Workplace Resource Library - Free Information and resources And more, please contact Rachel Faulkner for further information!
Physical Activity & Sport Offer Working with a wide range of partners we have secured a ‘Physical Activity with Sport Offer’ for all organisations who join and work towards the Healthy Workplace Award. The offer is in the form of a ‘menu’ of opportunities and ideas, to encourage employees to become more physically active. Example of Menu Options Cornwall Council Leisure Services Free Swimming Lessons for non swimmers across the county Back2Netball Sports Club Taster Sessions Future Pedometer Challenge Inter organisational competitions/workplace league Our aim is to add to the menu as the offer develops.
Assessment This will include a self assessment process. Following this the assessment team will make a visit to your business to confirm you meet the required criteria. The team will want to meet and interview representatives from all levels of the organisation and your working group. Documentation to support the achievement of the award will be needed. Feedback will be given on whether you have been successful and what action, if any, needs to follow, Confirmation of the award will be sent and you will be presented with your award achievement.
Healthy Workplace Award How do we get a pack?
Please remember!!! New Occupational Health Adviceline for Small Business –Health for Work Advice Line – – Challenge Fund – 21 st Sept 2010! Business Health Check Tool Kit –Evaluation tool to help employers assess the cost of ill-health to their business and the impact of wellness programmes on these costs.
Please Check Out the website above Top Tips Sign Up to the E Newsletter Check out examples of case studies
Thank you Rachel Faulkner Workplace Health Coordinator Health Promotion Service