Aung San Suu Kui Keynote Address at the Beijing World Conference on Women
Context Aung San Suu Kyi is an activist for democracy and the leader of the National League for Democracy in Burma. Globally known as a political activist, being awarded several prizes including the Nobel Peace Prize. Has been under house arrest several times. Speakers Context
Speech delivered on 31 August The military had re-established control over Burma (1988). Aung was elected into government (1990). The political party in power (SLORC) was corrupt and refused to hand Aung power, placing her under house arrest. The speech was delivered via video. Context Context of Speech
Suu Kyi’s message as a call to nonviolent actions of democracy contrasts the violent actions of the present military government of Burma. Influence of Buddhism in Suu Kyi’s politics – believes the idea of mutual forgiveness in Buddhism is central to Democracy. Aung’s arrest displayed the military governments capacity to crush any form of resistance by extreme force. Context Political Context
Central Idea/Arguments/Values Explored
Intolerance and insecurity are two sides of the same coin, and prejudice and intolerance are shackles. ‘without tolerance, the foundations for democracy and respect for human rights cannot be strengthened, and the achievements of peace will remain exclusive’ She presents tolerance as the fundamental concept needed to establish democracy, peace and equal human rights. The speech conveys that tolerance isn’t simply the absence of intolerance and insecurity but also incorporates the need to ‘understand the point of views of others’ Attempted to use speech to inspire hope that change is possible through non violent protest within Burma Raised awareness for the continued suffering of the beloved Burmese. Women shouldn’t just be tolerated but valued for their contribution to the world Theme: Justice Central Values/Ideas Purpose
Theme: Freedom Women do not start wars but they and children do more suffering as a result of them. “No war was ever started by women” “ But it is women and children who have always suffered most in situations of conflict,” Women play a large role in helping to achieve ‘a peaceful life for all’ within the global community Focus on the role of women in society, government and politics towards the inspiration to ‘struggle for justice and peace’ in the world Global forces mentioned included approaches to governance, such as questions of citizenship and political participation, as well as looking at obstacles to peace and human security such as militarization, violence and poverty Her aim is to encourage and inspire women of the world to use their talents and feminine qualities for peace and political dialogue. She does not necessarily support feminist ideologies, but seeks to make more diverse notions of gender Central Values/Ideas Purpose
Theme: Equality Diversity is Good (‘splendid’). “I want to try and voice some of the common hopes which firmly unite us in our splendid diversity” By understanding the differences between people (race, religion, gender) many of the atrocities in the world including war and the discrimination present in her country could be prevented. In order for the world to truly appreciate the role of women, they need to be given a political platform and a role in government to ‘participate fully In the decisions and processes that shape their lives’ She exemplifies the discrimination that women suffer, the limited freedom they have across the world and how they are continuously being persecuted for their gender. Speech carried with it the international purpose of campaigning for the liberation of women, motivating women to achieve their full potential and unifying females throughout the world in the fight for equality Explains that there needs to be a larger balance between men and women, due to the women’s nature of peacemakers. There needs to be more of a balance of power b/n men and women. “No war was ever started by women” Central Values/Ideas Purpose
Theme: Unity Humanity is one community and modern means of communication can bring us together. “I might wish to concentrate on those matters which occupy all my waking thoughts these days: peace, security, human rights and democracy.” The qualities ‘imposed on’ women enable them to play an important role in inciting political and social change, provoking progress and helping to ‘dissipate the darkness of intolerance… and suffering’ Women, as ‘intelligent human beings’ who have performed highly ‘in our educational system and the management of commercial enterprises ’can ‘contribute to the betterment of society’ by playing a greater role in business and in government To liberate women around the world and help them to realise and fulfil their role in society as peacekeeper and peacemaker. Central Values/Ideas Purpose
Theme: Woman Rights Women are more caring and tolerant than men. “The education and empowerment of women throughout the world cannot fail to result in a more caring, tolerant, just and peaceful life for all.” She strongly believes that this role should be centred on their traditional, biological qualities and their dedication to the ‘nurturing, protecting and caring for the young and old’ Traditionally given the ‘responsibility of teaching children values that will guide them throughout their lives’ women have a privileged role as teachers and educators of tomorrow’s generation. Women are good communicators allowing them to solve ‘situations of conflict’ and deliver peace by non violent means. Addressed issues which took on global significance and also targeted her domestic audience Did this by criticising the government’s failure to end their oppressive tactics used to maintain power Criticised the government for denying that ‘women too can play a part in bringing the necessary change and progress to their society’ To present an analytical overview of the global forces affecting the quality of life of the human community and the challenges these pose for everyone and for women in particular Central Values/Ideas Purpose
Structure - Introduction Appeals to ethos and pathos as her social standing is established and she makes reference to personal emotions. Establishes her audience as the majority of women. Addresses the subject of her speech.
Structure - Arguments Paragraph 2 directly addresses how Aung is perceived by the audience, (ethos), as she explains the deliverance of the speech through video and incorporates personal experience to develop audience perspective. Paragraph 3 further elaborates upon ethos as her power in regard to social standing or political role is revealed. Establishes context surrounding women within politics.
Structure - Arguments Kairos is addressed as the presentation of the speech takes place via video, incorporating the contextual circumstances of military government at the time. Reference to United Nations and the role of Democracy to express political knowledge. Direct references to Burmese people to appeal to specific audiences (paragraph 6 & 7).
Structure - Arguments Addresses the role of women within society and the need for recognition of all they do by offering equal opportunity within their country (paragraph 9). Personal context is explored in paragraph 11 onwards, addressing women in relation to own experiences. Direct reference to religious influences by incorporating Buddhism in juxtaposition to the outcomes Aung aims to achieve for women.
Structure - Conclusion Inclusive language draws the speech to a close and provides a personal address to what Aung hopes to have achieved as a result of its deliverance/presentation.
Rhetorical Devices
Links to Other Speeches Aung San Suu Kyi keynote address to the being conference on women, is an inspirational speech to all women around the world, like many of the epideictic speeches set for study, she addresses the justices, freedoms, equalities and inequalities of individuals around the world. Within Kyi speech there is special attention drawn to the values of women’s rights, equality and unity. These values referenced within Kyi speech correspond exactly with those discussed within Margaret Attwood’ “Spotty Handed Villainess’. Likewise both speeches in some way or form comment on the identify of women, their positive contributions and the position as women within social, cultural and historical contexts.
Critical Commentary Aung San Suu Kyi’s empowering speech has impacted all women around the world as Aung speaks up about the oppression of women and their wrong inequality to men. Exclaiming the fact woman have done great things, that “women with their capacity for compassion and self-sacrifice, courage and perseverance, have done much to dissipate the darkness of intolerance and hate, suffering and despair.”