Introduction When you edit, you check your writing for punctuation, capitalization, spelling, grammar, and sentence errors.
Using Microsoft Word to Edit Microsoft Word provides a number of aids to help you edit your writing: Spelling and grammar checker Other tools Edit menu
Spelling & Grammer
Starting the Checker The spelling and grammar checker in Word can help you catch errors in the following: Spelling and grammar Punctuation Capitalization To start the spelling and grammar checker, click "Tools" and select "Spelling and Grammar."
Using the Checker The spelling and grammar checker will begin scanning from the cursor's current position. The left side of the checker window shows a display: The top window in the display highlights the problem. The bottom window gives suggested changes. To select a specific change, click on it.
Making Changes The checker gives you these options: Ignore Once: Skips this word once. Ignore All: Skips this word wherever it appears. Add to Dictionary: Adds this word to the checker's dictionary. Change: Changes the word to the highlighted suggestion. Change All: Wherever it appears, changes this word to the highlighted suggestion. AutoCorrect: Automatically fixes errors.
Catching What the Spell-Checker Might Miss The spell-checker isn't foolproof. Use the editing checklist to check your work for these types of errors: Mixed-up words: The spell-checker won't notice that "thought" should be "though.“ Misspelled names: The spell-checker won't notice that More's name is misspelled as "Moore."
Checking Punctuation The grammar checker can help you check for errors in punctuation, such as the following: Misused apostrophes Double punctuation Incorrect end punctuation Note: The grammar checker did not notice the missing quote mark before "no place." The editing checklist can help you finish checking your punctuation.
The grammar checker can help you check for these errors in capitalization: Missing capitals on first words Incorrect capitalization of proper nouns or proper adjectives Note: The grammar checker did not notice that "New world" should have two capitals. The editing checklist can help you finish checking capitalization.
Additional Editing Tools
Using Other Tools For additional editing help, click on "Tools" and select from one of the following: Research: Help you find synonyms for a selected word in the thesaurus or look up the definition of a word in the dictionary. Word Count: Tells you the number of words in a document or in a selected portion of text. Track Changes: Lets you see your original copy as well as any changes you make.
Using the Edit Menu The Edit menu also can help you edit your writing. Click on "Edit" and select one of the following: Undo: Reverses your last action Repeat: Repeats your last action Cut: Moves the highlighted text to the clipboard Office Clipboard: Displays contents of the clipboard Paste: Inserts text from the clipboard Select All: Chooses the entire document contents Find or Replace: Searches for certain text and replaces it Go To: Jumps to a certain part of the text