6 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Dec. 7-12, 2015 New Delhi / Roorkee (India) To be Organized by Indian Society of Earthquake Technology in collaboration with Deptt. of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee Contd..
6 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics (Dec. 7-12, 2015) General Details Conference to have Invited Talks (Key-Note/SOAP/Special Lectures) and general Contributed Papers on the Themes of the Conference. Key-note Lecture (45 mts), SOAP (45 mts) and Special Lectures (30 mts) to be scheduled. No page limits for invited papers. Max. 12 page for contributed papers. Abstract Volume Containing one page Abstracts to be hard printed. Conf. Proceedings to be included in CD-RoM/Pen-drive, with a search engine. Each Abstract to be reviewed by 3 reviewers. Five Abstracts to be reviewed by one person, in general. Full papers to be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers who have earlier reviewed the Abstract of the paper. Grading of Abstracts (1-10) and Full Papers (1-10) to be done by reviewers for all the papers, including both for recommended changes and mandatory changes/ modifications, wherever suggested by reviewers. Contd..
General Details Contd… One separate Technical committee to be constituted for deciding final acceptance or rejection of Abstracts/Full Papers after reviewers’ comments and grading are received papers per General Rapporteurs for preparing summary/report. General Rapporteurs also to give grading of Full Papers at the time of preparation of report for the allotted theme. General Rapporteur One plus upto 6 Co-Gen. Rapporteurs per theme. Co- Gen-Rapporteurs to report to the Gen. Rapporteur. Chairman/org. Secretary to correspond only with the main Gen-Rapporteur. With Full length paper, Extended Abstract (only 1 page) to be provided by authors which shall be used for Abstract Volume. Both pdf as well as MS word files to be asked from Authors. Benefits to different categories of Sponsors to be given. Advts. In Abstract Volume to be included on the Outside cover and inside pages for Sponsors. Contd..
No discussion at the conclusion of invited Key-Note/SOAP/Special Lectures; Discussion to be done during respective theme sessions only. Discount in the Course Fee to be allowed to those participants attending both Short Course on Soil Dynamics and the Conference. All correspondence On-line/Internet based, through s & Website posts. Post-Conf. excursion: Round trip; Delhi-Jaipur-Agra may be arranged. Short Course: Two days Short Course on Soil Dynamics should be organized preceding the Conference (Dec. 7-8, 2015) in which some foreign speakers also can deliver lectures. Lectures to be delivered by ppt. lecture material shall comprise of slides (ppt) and short notes. Fee for the Course participants to be decided subsequently in consultation with Course-Coordinator. Details about the Short Course & Int. Conference, including ‘Call for Papers’ to be published in the ISET News Letter, in addition to website/online/ s. Key-Note & SOAP Speakers will be given free registration. General Details Contd…
SUGGESTED DATES / DEADLINES Short Course on Soil Dynamics & 6 th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering & Soil Dynamics :Dec.7 – 12, 2015 Committees: Steering Committee Advisory Committee Organizing Committee Paper Review Committee General Reports Preparation Committee Other Sub Committees :::::: May 31, 2014 June 30, 2014 December 31, 2014 Request for Financial Assistance IITR, IITGN, IITB, IITD, MOES, DST, NDMA, IGS, Atomic Energy, NHPC, NTPC, JP Associates, THDC, Other River Valley Projects, DDA, TCE, Construction Companies, Manufacturers of Instruments, Geotechnical Consultants, HUDCO, NOIDA & GR- NOIDA Authority, GDA, MECL, HUDA, RMSI, ASI, NGRI, CPRI, CSIR, CIMPHOR Foreign Organizations : List to be finalized with inputs from Prof. S. Prakash :April 30, 2014 Conference Website:May 15, 2014 Names of Keynote Speakers & Special Lecturers:May 31, 2014 Venue for the Conference:June 15, 2014 First Announcement /Call for Papers /Short course on Soil Dynamics:June 30, 2014 Contd..
SUGGESTED DATES / DEADLINES Invitation to Exhibitors:September 30, 2014 Submission of Abstracts (500 words):October 31, 2014 Completion of Review of Abstracts:December 31, 2014 Review Acceptance of Abstracts:January 15, 2015 Submission of Full Papers:May 15, 2015 Second Announcement and final Brochure:March 31, 2015 Completion of Review of Accepted Papers:June 30, 2015 Submission of All Invited Full Length Papers:June 30, 2015 Preparation of General Reports:August 31, 2015 Finalization of Technical Program / Conf. Schedule:September 30, 2015 Finalization of Post Conference Excursion:September 30, 2015 Printing of Abstract Volume / Proceedings in CD-USB-drive:October 15, 2015
6 th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering & Soil Dynamics Patron Prof. Pradipta Banerji Honorary Chairman Prof. Shamsher Prakash Conference Chair Prof. H.R. Wason Conference Co-Chair Prof. M.L. Sharma Organizing Secretaries 1. Prof. G.V. Ramana, IITD 2. Sri Ajay K. Chaurasia, Secretary ISET & Scientist, CSIR-CBRI
Committees: Steering Committee HONOR MEMBERS Dr. Kenji Ishihara Dr. W.D. Liam Finn Dr. I. M. Idriss Dr. Richard D. Woods Dr. James K. Mitchell Dr. A. S. Veletsos Prof. Harsh K. Gupta, Prof. A.S. Arya Sri Manoj Gaur, MD, JP Associates MEMBERS Donald G. Anderson Sher Bahadur Rajendra Kumar Bhandari Ross Boulanger Ricardo Dobry Ahmed Elgamal Ezio V. Faccioli George Gazetas Doncho Karastanev Ed Kavazanjian Robert Kayen Prof. S.K. Brahmachari, DG CSIR Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Chairman & MD, THDC Chairman & MD, NTPC Chairman & MD, NHPC DG, GSI DG, IMD Dr. Satyendra, ED, NIDM
Advisory Committee Sudhir Kr. Jain, Director, IITGN S.K. Bhattacharya, Director, CSIR-CBRI President, IGS Murari Ratnam, Director, CSMRS, New Delhi CVR Murthy, Director, IIT, Jodhpur K.G. Bhatia, Past President, ISET B.K. Bansal, Advisor, MOES Gopal Dhawan, MD, MECL, Bhopal Director, CRRI D.K. Paul, IITR V.H. Joshi, Past President, ISET Shailesh K. Aggarwal, ED, BMTPC Vijay K Puri, USA Doncho Karastanev, USA Ed Kavazanjian, USA Robert Kayen, USA Director, NGRI Director, CRRI Director NEIST Director, CIMFR S.K. Nath, IIT KGP Chairman/ED, RITES
Organizing Committee A. Boominathan, IITMT.G. Sitharam, IISc Bangalore K.S. Rao, IITDG.V. Ramana, IITD A.K. Shukla, IMDChandan Ghosh, NIDM R.S. Dattatrayam, IMDDeepankar Chowdhary, IITB Biswajit Sarma, NE CouncilAll ISET EC, Members All Faculty Members, DEQAmitava Ghosh, CSIR-CBRI Sushil Gupta, RMSI, NoidaShamsher Prakash M.N. ViladkarSatyendra Mittal Kaushik Deb, IIT KgpPradeep Ramcharla, IIIT, Hyderabad Ashish Juneja, IITBPrabhash Pandey, R.K. Goel, CIMFR Cell, CBRI Manish Gupta,CSMRS V.K.Sharma,AIMILAlpa Sheth, VMS Consultants,Mumbai
Sixth International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering & Soil Dynamics December 7 – 12, 2015, New Delhi / Roorkee (India) (Tentative) Sl.No.Estimated ExpenditureEstimated Receipts Details of HeadsAmount (Rs.)Details of HeadsAmount (Rs.) Conference Website, Printing of Conference Circulars, Abstract Volume & CDs/ Pen-Drive of Proceedings 2,50,000.00Reg. Fee expected from Foreign Delegates US$ 500 x 33 (1 US$ = Rs approx) (excluding 07 free registrations to Key Note / SOAP speakers. 9,90, TA for Expert Invitees / Young Scientists2,00,000.00Reg. Fee expected from Indian Delegates 8000 x 50) 4,00, Hospitality, Local Transport, Expenses of Auditorium, Projection, Hiring of Event Management Services 7,15,000.00Reg. Fee expected from ISET Member Delegates 6000 x 30) 1,80, Registration Materials, Printing of Program cards, Program Arrangements, Exhibition Displaces Boards etc. 3,00,000.00Reg. Fee expected from Accompanying Delegates 4000 x 20 (Indian) + US$ 250 x 15 (Foreign)) 3,05, Logistic support for technical field excursion1,00, Secretarial Assistance3,50,000.00Reg. Fee expected from Students / Research Scholar Delegates 4000 x 20) 80, Postage / Courier1,24,000.00Expected Financial Support from Sponsors /Govt. Organizations and Exhibitors of the Conference 12,00, Cultural Program / Photography /Publicity3,75, Contingency / Travel Expenses of Organizing Officials 3,50, Contribution to the Forum on Soil Dynamics (10% of Delegates Reg. Fee) 1,95, Contribution to ISET (10% of Delegates Reg. Fee) 1,95, Total31,55,000.00
SPONSORS Category:Amount Platinum: 2.0 Lac Gold: 1.5 Lac Silver: 1.0 Lac Bronze:0.50 Lac
6 TH Int. Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics: THEMES 1a."Dynamic Properties of Soils and Soil-Like Materials, Engineering Soil Parameters and Constitutive Relations” 1b.“New Field and Laboratory Methods and Results, Data Base, Large Scale Field Tests, Centrifuge Tests” 2.“Wave Propagation, Engineering Vibrations and Solutions, Vibrations of Machine Foundations, Blast, Traffic and Construction Vibrations, Vibration Absorption” 3a.“Engineering Seismology: Near Fault and Directivity Effects, Geologic Indicators of Rupture Direction, Geometric Effects on Ground Motions, Motion Parameters for Design, Borehole Arrays, Seismological and Strong Motion Arrays, Interpretation of Field Array Data, Site Amplification” 3b.“Local Site Effects: 1-D/2-D Wave Propagation Predictions and Measurements, Nonlinear versus Equivalent Linear Analysis, Effective Stress versus Total Stress Analysis” 4a“Liquefaction and Seismically-Induced Settlement, Ground Failures, Seismic Studies of Kobe, Lima Peru, Chile, Pakistan, China, U.S. and other Recent Earthquakes, Spatial Liquefaction” 4b.“Stability and Displacement Performance of Slopes, Landfills and Earth Dams Under Earthquakes” Contd..
THEMES CONTD…. 5a.“Soil-Structure Interaction under Dynamic Loading for both Shallow and Deep Foundations” 5b.“Soil-Foundation Interaction Triggered by Seismic Faulting” 6a.“Seismic Analysis and Design of Retaining and Marine Structures, Field Studies on Retaining Walls in California, Japan, India and other countries” 6b.“Seismic Hazard Zonation: Earthquake Risk Assessment with Earthquake Risk Management, Microzonation Projects and procedures, Use of Building Codes to Reduce Earthquake Hazards” 7a.“Case Histories of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Failures and Geotechnical Analysis of Recent Earthquakes, Reports of Recent Damaging Earthquakes” 7b.“Seismic Analysis and Retrofit of Foundations of Bridges and other Sub- Structures, Seismic Retrofit Projects and Procedures” 8.“Model and Full-Scale Tests of Geotechnical Structures Including Centrifuge Tests, Recent Advances from Earthquake Simulation Facilities such as NEES, E- Defense, NCREE” 9.“Performance Based Design in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”