Afghanistan Protection Cluster Gender Based Violence Sub-cluster Line Begby Coordinator of the AGBV-SC United Nations Population Fund- Afghanistan.


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Presentation transcript:

Afghanistan Protection Cluster Gender Based Violence Sub-cluster Line Begby Coordinator of the AGBV-SC United Nations Population Fund- Afghanistan

Violence against women  Up to 87, 2 % - one form of violence(GRS, 2008, 4,700hhs)  62 % - multiple forms of violence;  Physical violence – 30,7%-50,4%  Psychological violence – up to 73,9%  Sexual violence – up to 17,2%  Forced marriage – up to 58%: in most cases it is the child marriage – other forms of violence is much higher  Suicide and self-immolation (29% - FM, 40% - abused by husband and in-laws, 30% - CM)  Honor killing – raped, run away girls  “Bad” and “badal” practice  More pervasive in provinces; most extreme forms  Perpetrator’s profile – specific to Afghanistan  Reinforced in informal justice system, tribal perception  TRANSITION – impact on women’s security!!!

GBV Sub-Cluster’s Definitions : Gender-based violence - any form of violence directed against women, girls, boys and men on the basis of socially attributed differences between males and females. Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring within the general community Physical, sexual and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned by the State and institutions

Guiding Principles Confidentiality Neutrality Impartiality Safety and security Participatory approach Independence Respect

Coordination is key multi-sectoral coordinated action partnership/ coalition building technical leadership mutual accountability / M&E Internal displacement – IDP- TF Mine Action - MACCA Housing, Land and Property - HLP - WG Protection of civilians/Human Rights – UNAMA/OHCHR Child Protection - UNICEF Gender Based Violence Sub- cluster - UNFPA Afghanistan Protection Cluster GENDER mainstreamed

GBV Sub-Cluster’s Structure: Chair of GBV WG AIHCR Office/ MOWA/ Networks) Chair of GBV WG/ AIHCR Office/ MOWA/ Networks Provincial level GBV SC UNFPA – Chair Membership:Related government bodies Sub-Cluster’s / TF Focal points International NGOs National NGOs/ NGOs in provinces Chair of GBV WG/ AIHCR Office/ MOWA/ Networks Chair of GBV WG/ AIHCR Office/ MOWA/ Networks Focal Point of SC / TF APC – APC members, chairs of the SC/ TF

GBV Sub-Cluster functions Consolidate, coordinate, improve and support the efforts and activities in the prevention of and response to GBV in humanitarian setting through: Providing a forum for sharing information on activities, identifying needs and gaps in prevention, protection and response, as well as for planning GBV inter-agency activities & development and implementation of joint projects and programmes ; Who? What? Where? – Mapping/updating on GBV prevention and response ; Providing technical support to national authorities and NGOs in the setting up of referral systems to respond to GBV ; Establishing reporting and monitoring mechanisms to ensure coordination of efforts and activities ;

GBV Sub-Cluster functions Assisting in the collection and analysis of age- and sex disaggregated data and train actors as needed; Engaging in inter-agency, multi-sectoral field missions Facilitating and supporting awareness-raising initiatives on GBV; Strengthening the capacity of governmental bodies, NGOs and humanitarian staff to prevent and respond to GBV by organizing trainings, providing technical support and tapping into existing training/capacity development opportunities; Active liaising with relevant cluster working groups to ensure that GBV issues are integrated into all humanitarian response efforts.

Priority area I : Partnership and Coordination among members of group, support and contribute to implementation work-plan of APC  Integration of GBV issues into multi-sectoral working groups/humanitarian response of APC  Establishment of Regional GBV Sub-clusters /technical support of GBV SC in the regions  Funds mobilization  Coherence in training, BCC and other materials  Online database  Collaboration with Child-Protection Sub-Cluster

Priority area II : Strengthen GBV Prevention and Response capacity of duty bearers and right holders at provincial and country level  Orientation training to GBV SCs national and in the regions - GBV in emergency; coordination and case management; Ethical and Safety Guidelines  Integration of Coordinated Multi-sectorial Response to GBV through GBV SC and capacity building of service providers on prevention and response to GBV – Standard Operating Procedures, guidelines, etc. (UNFPA)  Development of GBV Humanitarian Assistance and Response action sheets. Orientation workshops for GBV SCs in regions and Clusters.  Conduct inter- agency, multi-sectoral field missions to assess existing gaps in national duty bearers, service providers and right holders’ capacity

Priority area III : Strengthen and coordinate data collection in the area of GBV and GBV cases specifically  Integration of GBV unified ethical data collection tools in Afghanistan’s pilot provinces  Collection of information on GBV cases through existing mechanisms of AIHRC, MOWA, UNW, INGOs, CPAN, UNAMA; Shelter NGOs  Dissemination and sharing of the existing GBV reports, assessments, research and data complied among the GBV SC members

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and everyone has the right for life free of violence and based on his/her own choice Thank you for your attention!