Spring 2012 Law Enforcement Pre-Academy Closing Survey
Was the Pre-Academy registration process easy for you to complete?
How helpful was it to take English, Reading and ADJ together as a learning community?
How well was the course material linked between the classes?
How well did the instructors meet your academic needs?
How well did the instructors meet your professional needs?
Did you feel you were part of a team with the other students?
What can we do to build teamwork among Pre- Academy students? Encourage the students to know one another. More team projects and assignments. More team activities and scenarios. If everyone starts off working together teamwork will come soon after. More of the same.
What aspects of the Pre-Academy were most helpful? Writing Autobiography Personal history statement Report writing Identifying elements of a crime scene Basic principles and reality of Law Enforcement Ethics
Do you think the Pre-Academy has helped prepare you to meet Academy requirements?
What areas of instruction need to be improved?
On what topic would you have liked to spend more time?
Do you have any suggestions regarding the technology used in the Pre-Academy? They have all the technology you need. More exposure to the types of materials/tools police officers use. Encourage outside involvement in Law Enforcement.
Suggestions and Comments I really enjoyed the class and the instructors. It was an honor to be in the Pre-Academy. The Pre-Academy helped me understand some of what will be in the Academy. The Reading and ADJ classes should be as long as the English class. More report writing.