Agenda Warm Up LEQs Graphic Organizer Notes Teacher Videos Wrap Up
Warm Up In complete sentences, write a paragraph that completes the following thought: “A good parent is………….” Your response must be 5-7 sentences long
Learning Essential Questions: Why is parenting difficult? What are the pros and cons of parenthood? What factors must be considered before becoming a parent? What are the effects of family planning? What are some physical and psychological problems of infertility What are some fertility methods?
Parenting – caring for children and helping them grow and develop
Why is it hard to be a good parent? Parenting skills are not automatic: a person does not just become a good parent Just because a person is biologically able to reproduce, does not mean he or she will be a good parent
Think- Pair- Share Think for 2 minutes about the question Turn to your partner and discuss your opinions Report back to the class CAN PARENTING BE LEARNED??
Lets here from our Staff!...... (Videos)
Parenting CAN be learned Parenting CAN be learned!! Many couples feel they need help learning how to become good parents. THIS IS OKAY!!!!!!!! Resources include: professionals and/or successful parents to give advice Literature(books, journals, magazines) that is practical, accurate and available Child care and parenting classes: Community Colleges and local American Red Cross chapters may offer such classes Spending time with families with infants and young children
Discuss: Discuss: what feelings and attitudes about parenthood should couples discuss before marriage? How could an unplanned pregnancy affect parenting success?
Day 2: Agenda Warm Up: Name 3 factors that must be considered before choosing to become a parent Review “Reasons for Parenting” Worksheet Continue Notes/Graphic Organizers Textbook Activity: Reasons for NOT Parenting Article Wrap UP
Deciding About Parenthood Deciding whether to have children is a personal choice For the sake of the child, the husband AND wife should agree on the decision The decision to parent is a PERMANENT choice Once a child is born, he or she is part of the parent’s life forever
Activity: Textbook Reasons for Choosing or Not Choosing Parenthood
Positive reasons for wanting to be a parent
Reasons for wanting to be a parent
Reasons to not be a parent
Parents are on call 24/7 and don’t get paid Once a parent always a parent
Day Three Agenda Warm Up: Write down one question you would ask a Parent about their decision to have children, or about parenthood in general Article Review and Reaction Paragraph Guest Speakers! Parenting Pamphlets Baby Money: How much do these items really cost?? Wrap UP
Agenda Warm Up: Write down the most interesting/funny fact your remember from Friday’s Guest Speakers Article Review and Reaction Paragraph Guest Speakers Summary Chapter Vocabulary and Questions Baby Money Worksheet: How much do these items really cost?? Wrap UP
Article Review Review the article from yesterdays class. Write a reaction paper describing the following: What is your opinion of the article? Do you agree or disagree with the statements made and why? What are five facts for new parents to be aware of when considering parenthood. What advice can you give to new parents?
Parenting Pamphlet “Is Parenting for you?” “Are You Ready to be a Parent” Create a informational pamphlet for people who are considering becoming a parent You may use your class notes, discussions and guest speakers for information Your pamphlet must be informative Be sure to include all information that new parents must consider before becoming a parent You may also include advice for new parents
Baby Money Look through your store flyers for some typical baby items. Create a poster highlighting the price of these items. Look for clothes, toys, baby food, formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, etc…
Wrap Up Are you thinking about going into a career involving children? Do you think that you will want children of your own one day? How can these two relate?