Energy Smart Communities Initiative The Knowledge Sharing Platform Presented to the APEC Energy Working Group May 21, 2014 Dr. Eugenie Birch, Co-Director, Penn IUR Alon Abramson, Project Manager, Penn IUR
Knowledge Sharing Platform Origin and Purpose of the Energy Smart Communities Initiative Knowledge Sharing Platform (ESCI-KSP) ESCI-KSP navigation and knowledge storage structure overview Update since EWG46 1 st Annual ESCI Best Practices Awards Content Website Updates LCMT Policy Brief Areas to be supplemented Presentation Overview
Knowledge Sharing Platform Energy Smart Communities Initiative – Knowledge Sharing Platform (ESCI-KSP) Background o Concept approved EWG-41, Vancouver (Spring, 2011) o Financial support from Chinese Taipei (late summer, 2011) o Executed by Taiwan Institute for Economic Research and Penn Institute for Urban Research (Fall and Winter, ) o Launched EWG 43, Kuala Lumpur (Winter, 2012) Purposes o Help APEC economies meet energy intensity reduction goals of 45% by 2030 from 2005 levels through exchange of best practices, research and development of new products, demonstration projects and metrics o foster the growth of communities of practice: networks of individuals with common interests and goals o Provide information to the public about smart transport, buildings, grids, jobs, industry, and low carbon model towns Origin and Purpose of ESCI-KSP
Knowledge Sharing Platform Featured content ties together all ESCI pillars and gives visitors a ‘snapshot’ of what ESCI is all about Slideshow informs users of recent events and news and ties in brand recognition APEC EWG Logo Main site navigation links Pillar and task navigation built into header ESCI Official Logo ESCI-KSP Home Page
Knowledge Sharing Platform Smart Transport Smart Buildings Smart Grids Smart Jobs Low Carbon Model Towns ESCI-KSP Organizational Structure SB-1 SB-2 SB-3 SB4 ST-1 ST-2 ST-3 ST-4 SG-1 SG-2 SJ-1 SJ-2 SJ-3 I-1 I-2 Industry
Knowledge Sharing Platform ESCI-KSP Task Page Navigate to other tasks from any part of the site Contact information easily accessible Users can submit their own content Featured Interview Recent and upcoming events listing. References listed below Projects are grouped into folders of sub-tasks
Knowledge Sharing Platform ESCI-KSP Project Page Projects may be case studies, products, policies, etc. Projects can be sorted by task, economy, tags, and key words Metrics allow users to easily compare projects Project files and links are shown
Knowledge Sharing Platform Acquiring New Content Registered users can submit new projects Private sector members are encouraged to contribute and share their publicly available research and innovations
Knowledge Sharing Platform Updates to the Site New Pillar focused on Industry I-1: Energy Related Industry I-2: New Technology/Applications Improved, interactive discussion feature to engage users Login with your social media account Users can now update their project submissions.
Knowledge Sharing Platform Established by Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (Chinese Taipei) Event announcement at EWG45 in Koh Samui, Thailand - winners announced at EWG46 in Da Nang, Vietnam ESCI Best Practices Awards Program Individual Award Project Title APEC Member Gold“Get Downtown"in Ann ArborUnited States SilverSolar Cities ProgramAustralia BronzeCar-sharing in Fukuoka, JapanJapan Integrated Award Project Title APEC Member GoldSamui Island Low-Carbon Model TownThailand SilverYingge – Waterfront Cultural TownChinese Taipei BronzeNational Library BuildingSingapore
Knowledge Sharing Platform Inventory of KSP Content PillarTasks # Economies Represented # of Projects Δ Proj. since EWG46 # of Publication s Δ Pub. since EWG46 Smart Transportation ST 1Energy Efficient Urban Transport Network ST 2Energy Efficient Freight Transport Network ST 3Electromobility Survey and Road Map ST 4Electric Vehicle Demonstrations Smart Buildings SB 1Low-Energy Building Network SB 2Materials Testing and Rating Centers SB 3Cool Roof Demonstrations SB 4Low Energy Window Demonstrations Smart Grid SG 1Smart Grid Road Maps SG 2Smart Grid Test Bed Network Smart Jobs SJ 1Energy Efficiency Training Curricula SJ 2Energy Efficiency School Curricula SJ 3Sister Schools Program Industry I 1Energy Related Industry I 2New Technology Applications LCMT Low Carbon Model Towns
Knowledge Sharing Platform LCMT Policy Brief in Development Cross-cutting review of Low Carbon Town cases in the APEC region Includes APEC’s Low Carbon Town program, World Bank’s Eco2 Cities, and OECD’s Compact Cities Case studies in: China Chinese Taipei Japan Korea Thailand
Knowledge Sharing Platform Low-Carbon Town Program Analysis Low Carbon Model Towns (APEC/EWG) - towns in the APEC region that have a clear target of CO2 emissions reduction and comprehensive measures to achieve them for sustainable development. Eco2 Cities (World Bank) - create economic opportunities for their citizens in an inclusive, sustainable, and resource- efficient way, while also protecting and nurturing the local ecology and global public goods, such as the environment, for future generations. Compact Cities (OECD) – characterized by dense and proximate development patterns, urban areas linked by public transport systems, and accessibility to local services and jobs Examples: Melbourne, Australia; Vancouver, Canada; Toyama, Japan; Portland, US Examples: Yujiapu, China; Koh Samiu, Thailand; Da Nang, Vietnam Examples: Brisbane, Australia; Tianjin, China; Yokohama, Japan; Singapore; Aukland, NZ
Knowledge Sharing Platform Low Carbon Towns Overview EconomyTownProject Areas Focus (Primary Function)Population Low Carbon Features Funding/ budgeting Project Management China Yujiapu3.85 km2 Business/Commerci al (N) Smart Transport Smart Building N/A Public/Private Partnership Sino- Singapore km2 Residential (e.g., New Town) (N) Smart Transport Smart Building N/A International Governmental Cooperation Guangming New District (Shenzen) km2Industrial (Re)800000Smart BuildingN/A State/Local Government-led Turpan8.8 km2 Residential (e.g., New Town) (N) N/A Smart Grid Smart Building N/A State/Local Government-led JapanYokohama434 km2 Business/Commerci al (Re) Smart Transport Smart Building Smart Jobs $740 M/yr (FY10 – FY14) State/Local Government-led Korea Songdo6.25 km2 Business/Commerci al (Re) Smart Transport Smart Building N/A Public/Private Partnership Gangneung17.5 km2Eco-Tourism (Re)19000 Smart Transport Smart Building N/A State/Local Government-led Chinese Taipei Penghu126 km2Eco-Tourism (Re)98000 Smart Transport Smart Jobs $ 54M/yr (FY11 - FY15) State/Local Government-led ThailandKoh Samui228 km2Eco-Tourism (Re) 53,200 (+1,000,000 visitors) Smart Transport Smart Buildings Smart Grid $860 million State/Local Government-led
Knowledge Sharing Platform EconomyTown Development Strategy/MotivationSmart TransportSmart BuildingsSmart Grid China Yujiapu Master planning feat. TOD; Promotion of innovative financing solutions. high-speed and std. rail + BRT (80% PT aim) All buildings attain green certification Smart grid; renewable energy; area energy plan Sino-Singapore Tianjin Master planning feat. TOD; "Eco-districting" rail; segregate motor/non- motor transit (90% clean transit goal) All buildings attain green certification renewable energy adoption Guangming New District (Shenzen) Master planning feat. TOD; Industrial Zones rail + BRT; segregate motor/non-motor transit Pilot green buildings to promote adoption renewable energy adoption Turpan Smart grid demo including green dev. principles strengthen mode connections at transit hubs All buildings attain green certification Smart grid; renewable energy adoption JapanYokohama Green redevelopment/TOD; smart grid; prepare for aging population focus on improved access to existing transit services energy retrofits tiered building energy management system; RE adoption Korea Songdo Master planning; "closed- loop" dev. Principles multi-mode transit; emphasize public transit; bike share high effciency building; integrated design; local material use incineratin; waste stream heat recovery Gangneung Master planning; focus on ecological preservation Bike infra; alternate fuel/EV infra Carbon-neutral facility program Renewable energy adoption; smart grid pilot Chinese Taipei Penghu Master planning; focus on ecological preservation conversion to EV vehicles AMI installation; promote efficient appliances + lighting; new pubic buildings green certified 50% RE generation ThailandKoh Samui Master planning; focus on ecological preservation conversion to EV vehicles; improved roadways Net-zero buildings; green building program RE generation; micro-grid deveopment Low Carbon Town Measures
Knowledge Sharing Platform Low Carbon Towns Best Practices Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Characteristics: Cited in most master plans Promotes public transit and non-motorized transit Encourage dense urban development at transit locations Sites of multi-use development – commercial + residential Transit “hubs” can serve for multi-mode transfer: HSR/ light rail / BRT / bike share Tianjin Eco CityGuangmingYujiapu Turpan
Knowledge Sharing Platform Low Carbon Towns Common Best Practices Land Use Planning Characteristics: Cited in most master plans for new towns Guidelines for location of certain building types - leave actual development to private sector Allocate areas for preserved green space – ecological services and recreation GangneungYujiapuSongdo Tianjin Eco City
Knowledge Sharing Platform Low Carbon Towns Common Best Practices Energy generation and smart grid planning Characteristics: Plans for locating industry-scale renewable energy production and generation goals Call for demand-side reductions through efficient building programs and efficient grid-tied transport infrastructure (e.g. LED street lighting) Smart grid concepts such as automated metering, demand response, micro-grid, and energy storage
Knowledge Sharing Platform Low Carbon Towns Metrics and Indicators How do we evaluate the effectiveness of Best Practices in reducing energy use and emissions and creating more livable cities? Eco2 Cities (World Bank): Proactive Planning and Leadership Bottom-up Action and Local Innovations Valuable Top-down Support and Enabling Ecological Development Methods and Tools That Work For the City Action-oriented Network Compact Cities (OECD): population and urban land growth population density on urban land trip distance urban land cover trips using public transport proximity to public transport proximity to services Low Carbon Model Towns (APEC/EWG) Under development
Knowledge Sharing Platform Increase Content Quantity & Quality o Periodic review meetings with leaders of 16 ESCI Tasks o Formal curatorial process to ensure accuracy, quality control and ease of usage o Produce policy briefs to summarize compiled case studies to distill common best practices Strengthen Action Network o Distribute quarterly bulletin to the ESCI-KSP network and Energy Working Group Dr. Eugenie Birch Principal Investigator, Co-Director, Penn Institute for Urban Research Alon Abramson Project Manager, Penn IUR Further Development and Thank You