Accessing the EA – Smart Procurement NHS Regional Workshops
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Bytes Discovery & SAM NHS Regional Workshops
Do you know what’s installed? Can you quickly assess your hardware to meet specific application requirements? Do you know if you are getting best value out of your investment in software? Are there opportunities being missed to re-use hardware or redeploy software? Are you properly licensed?! Key question for today…. How do you manage your IT estate?
Contents 1.Bytes Discovery 2.(Software) Asset Management 3.Bytes Discovery, SAM and the NIMM 4.Experiences to date Am going to cover…..
Bytes Discovery
Bytes Discovery The Technology Router Switch WWW Bytes Discovery Servers Desktop Windows Server Laptop Network Printer LANProbe Passively listens to IP broadcast packets Discovery Agent
Bytes Discovery Supporting Your Organisational Structure HIS Trust ATrust B Site 1 Site 2 Trust C Individual logins
Bytes Discovery Dashboard
Bytes Discovery Detailed Hardware Profile
Bytes Discovery Upgrade Costing Wizard
Bytes Discovery Free service as part of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for all Trusts within our regions Provides a dynamic and comprehensive hardware and software audit Understand what software is actually being used Management information and support tools (wizards) Trust Network Hardware assets Software Installed Software utilisation
(Software) Asset Management
Software Asset Management Governance Understanding and measuring who has responsibility for software assets (licenses) within the trust. Ensuring policies are in place that control who and how software is purchased and used. Understanding throughout the trust of the importance of software asset control and compliance. Understanding and measuring who has responsibility for software assets (licenses) within the trust. Ensuring policies are in place that control who and how software is purchased and used. Understanding throughout the trust of the importance of software asset control and compliance. Processes and technologies in place that control how software is purchased and/or licenses re- harvested. Electronic records kept of license entitlement producing a “Procured Software Library” Discovery Technologies that can be deployed for one-off or regular audits of what software is actually deployed and being used, creating an electronic view of licensing obligation - “Installed Software Library” Technologies and processes in place to compare entitlement (procured /owned software) against obligations (installed software).
SAM – Procurement Software Requirement Trigger Request for service - Incident - New System/Service - New User - Upgrade User Profile - Geography - Job Function - Department Context - Evaluation - Service development - Testing - Production Software Installed Licensing Position License Pool Long Term Plans Purchasing Strategy Purchase Assess current position and make purchasing decision Deployment Process Software Library (Records) NIMM KPI’s Influenced Availability of electronic records on software purchased or no longer used Policy for software purchase exists and enforceable Accountability for maintaining records Procurement Software Usage Software Licenses
SAM - Procurement Review procurement policy Review existence and availability of software records Review adherence to software purchasing policy Review accountability for software purchasing and license ownership Purchasing strategy development Project initiation Set scope, timelines, budget and resources Indentify linkages and dependencies with other programmes e.g. Governance and culture change Purchase process redesign and implementation Software Library creation and implementation Education: “Making buying decisions” Education: Licensing Academy Procurement NIMM KPI’s Influenced Availability of electronic records on software purchased or no longer used Policy for software purchase exists and enforceable Accountability for maintaining records Procurement Review Strategy & Planning Procurement Solutions & Processes
SAM - Compliance Entitlement: Confirm availability and legitimacy of licenses owned Obligations: Software installed / software that attracts a license ALP: Compliance level and delta between Entitlement and Obligations Strategy to address licensing delta’s License management technology solutions Software license optimisation Compliance Level Software Used Software Installed License Ownership Compliance Actual License Position Software Inventory Management NIMM KPI’s Influenced Availability of electronic records on software purchased or no longer used Policy for software purchase exists and enforceable Accountability for maintaining records Technology in place to track software installed Technology and processes to perform ad-hoc audit of software licensing position Strategy & Planning
Bytes Discovery, SAM and The NIMM
Bytes & The NIMM Understand current positionPlan for changeImplement changeMaintain performance Current NIMM Assessment Current NIMM Assessment Target NIMM Level Target NIMM Level Achieved NIMM Level Achieved NIMM Level
Bytes & The NIMM NIMM – SAM Key Measures Target: Level 4 Electronic records for 80%+ of software purchases. Software purchasing policy in place and enforceable Formal IT accountability with performance review every 6 months Discovery technology in place with more than 80% of IT estate audited Ability to perform ad hoc audit of software licensing position An asset management system in place. Bytes SAM Elements Procurement Governance Discovery Compliance
Experiences To Date
A mix of technologies: Bytes Discovery, Centennial, SMS being used amongst others To date found c. 40% of trusts do not require/want Discovery i.e. happy with current asset management data from e.g. SMS Bytes Discovery: 6 in London Cluster 11 in NW & West Midlands Cluster 8 in Southern Cluster Why not be the next Trust to deploy?!!
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