Basic Postures and their Benefits
Standing Poses Strengthen and tone the whole body Whole range of movements and stretches for a complete workout Can be practiced at the beginning or the end of a session Can be practiced at the beginning or the end of a session Strengthens nerves to the legs Teaches the ability to focus attention over the entire body
Backbends Stimulate the nervous system Counteract the effects of gravity Increase the flow of energy and bring clarity to the mind.
Forward Bends Relax and stretch the muscles Sooth the nervous system Relieve cramps or tightness accumulated throughout the day or in other poses Improve posture and body alignment May be practiced at any time during the session
Twists Release pressure on the spinal nerves Align vertebrae and lengthen the spine Balance the spine after backbends and intense forward bends Beginning- warm up OR End- release tension/compression from practice or backbends
Sitting Poses Include backbends, forward bends, twists and balancing positions They are hip openers, stregthen the low back and core muscles
Inverted Poses Aid in circulationAid in circulation Tone the whole bodyTone the whole body Counter the effects of gravityCounter the effects of gravity Balance the endocrine systemBalance the endocrine system
Inverted Postures Headstand: The king of Asanas Stimulates the pituitary glandStimulates the pituitary gland Increases blood pressureIncreases blood pressure Shoulderstand: The Queen of Asanas Lowers blood pressureLowers blood pressure Stimulates the thyroidStimulates the thyroid A great tension-relieving postureA great tension-relieving posture
Balancing Postures Create poise and grace Tone the inner ear Help to increase powers of concentration
Moving Sequences Like Sun Salutations…. Build grace and flow in the practiceBuild grace and flow in the practice Help to synchronize breathing and promote coordinationHelp to synchronize breathing and promote coordination Movement creates heat, warming up the body and allowing energy to buildMovement creates heat, warming up the body and allowing energy to build
Mudras and Bandhas Internal locks that tone the internal organs and seal energy They increase heat and create a flow of subtle energy in the body