“Funusara” Sequence Get your butt grounded then flow Grounding 45min flow Source: Pictures:
Corpse Pose/Relaxation pose – Savasana Source: Pictures: Start in Savaasana – close your eyes Imagine all the external noise died – it’s all silent now Feel the floor beneath you how it supports your body weight…scan your body and really pay attention to your contact with the ground. Feel how solid it feels, how stable it is. It’s there to support you.
Foetus Pose Source: Pictures: Transition through fetus pose to Sukhasana – easy cross-legged pose with your eyes closed.
Simple cross-legged pose – sukhasana Source: Pictures: Gently open your eyes, hands in anjali mudra. Set your intention for now. Not today, not tomorrow, just now. What is your intention right now?
Simple cross-legged pose – sukhasana Source: Pictures: Inhale and lift your arms up Lengthen your waistline, but pay attention to your hips – push them into the ground, while lifting up the chest Shoulders are grounded in the sockets Exhale and relax your arms down Slowly repeat 3x 3X
Easy twist in sukhasana Source: Pictures: Easy twist to the right to warm up the core Make sure you keep the connection to the ground and length in your waist! Right Side
Easy twist in sukhasana Source: Pictures: Easy twist to the right to warm up the core Make sure you keep the connection to the ground and length in your waist! Left Side
Forward bend in sukhasana Source: Pictures: Inhale, lengthen your torso and exhale stretching forward and down Again, notice the connection to the ground – how soothing the firmness and stability is.
Cat and Cow – Marjaryasana and Bitilasana Repeat 2x to wake up the spine and your uddiyana bandha and gently open the heart Source: Pictures:
Down Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana Peddle the feet to open up the calfs and the hamstrings Focus on maintaining good connection to the ground with your palms and your feet Feel the energy flowing through you Source: Pictures:
Sun Salutation A - Surya Namaskar A Repeat approx 4x in slow motion Keep your focus on the points where your body touches the ground This is your foundation, your rock. No matter what happens in your life, you can always “hold on to the ground” – the ground will hold you still. At the end, pose in down dog. Source: Pictures: 4X
Down Dog with leg lift – Adho Mukha Svanasana with leg lift Slowly lift your straight leg up in the air Hips stay level and focus on not disturbing the balance in the pose Feel your palm and your foot bearing the weight, holding you steady Source: Pictures: Right leg
Vira Bhadrasana I – Warrior I pose Transition smoothly and mindfully into the pose with your right leg forward and hands on your hips Knee directly above your ankle, front knee bent towards 90 degree Back leg strong and back foot in heel to heel alignment plugged into the mat at 45 degree angle, Long waist, chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Now, lift your arms up above your head keeping shoulders grounded Feel how safe your body begins to feel as you breathe through the pose Source: Pictures: Right leg 3 Breaths
Vinyasa = Plank + Chaturanga + Up Dog/cobra - Uttihita Chaturanga dandasana + Chaturanga Dandasana + Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Bhujangasana Source: Pictures: Come out of the pose through a vinyasa and come to downward dog.
Down Dog with leg lift – Adho Mukha Svanasana with leg lift Slowly lift your straight leg up in the air Hips stay level and focus on not disturbing the balance in the pose Feel your palm and your foot bearing the weight, holding you steady Source: Pictures: Left leg
Vira Bhadrasana I – Warrior I pose Transition smoothly and mindfully into the pose with your right leg forward and hands on your hips Knee directly above your ankle, front knee bent towards 90 degree Back leg strong and back foot in heel to heel alignment plugged into the mat at 45 degree angle, Long waist, chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Now, lift your arms up above your head keeping shoulders grounded Feel how safe your body begins to feel as you breathe through the pose Source: Pictures: Left leg 3 Breaths
Vinyasa = Plank + Chaturanga + Up Dog/cobra - Uttihita Chaturanga dandasana + Chaturanga Dandasana + Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Bhujangasana Source: Pictures: Come out of the pose through a vinyasa and come to downward dog.
Down Dog with leg lift – Adho Mukha Svanasana with leg lift Slowly lift your straight leg up in the air Hips stay level and focus on not disturbing the balance in the pose Feel your palm and your foot bearing the weight, holding you steady Source: Pictures: Right leg
Vira Bhadrasana I – Warrior I pose Transition smoothly and mindfully into the pose with your right leg forward and hands on your hips Knee directly above your ankle, front knee bent towards 90 degree Back leg strong and back foot in heel to heel alignment plugged into the mat at 45 degree angle, Long waist, chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Now, lift your arms up above your head keeping shoulders grounded Feel how safe your body begins to feel as you breathe through the pose Source: Pictures: Right leg 3 Breaths
Vira Bhadrasana II – Warrior II pose Open up into warrior 2 – turn your hips sideways facing the left side Knee directly above your ankle, front knee bent towards 90 degree Back leg strong and back foot in heel to arch alignment, plugged into the mat at 90 degree angle. Long waist, chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Stretch your arms out to the sides palms down and if comfortable, look towards your right fingertips Notice how your body wiggles at first, but attains a sense of stability in the poseas you breathe through it. Source: Pictures: Right leg 3 Breaths
Reverse Warrior – Viparita Virabhadrasana Turn your right palm upwards and slowly begin lifting it upwards and back towards the back leg The position of your legs stays unchanged Make sure you are elongating your waist on both sides Chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Source: Pictures: Right leg 1 Long Breath
Extended Side Angle Pose– Parsvakonasana Now lower your top arm to rest on your thigh- do not put much weight on it, use your core muscles to support you. Lean forward stretching your back arm diagonally over your ear The position of your legs stays unchanged, legs are active Make sure you are elongating your waist on both sides Chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Look at your left palm Feel how after a couple of breaths you feel home again. Source: Pictures: Right leg 3 Breaths
Vinyasa = Plank + Chaturanga + Up Dog/cobra - Uttihita Chaturanga dandasana + Chaturanga Dandasana + Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Bhujangasana Source: Pictures: Come out of the pose through a vinyasa and come to downward dog.
Down Dog with leg lift – Adho Mukha Svanasana with leg lift Slowly lift your straight leg up in the air Hips stay level and focus on not disturbing the balance in the pose Feel your palm and your foot bearing the weight, holding you steady Source: Pictures: Left leg
Vira Bhadrasana I – Warrior I pose Transition smoothly and mindfully into the pose with your right leg forward and hands on your hips Knee directly above your ankle, front knee bent towards 90 degree Back leg strong and back foot in heel to heel alignment plugged into the mat at 45 degree angle, Long waist, chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Now, lift your arms up above your head keeping shoulders grounded Feel how safe your body begins to feel as you breathe through the pose Source: Pictures: Left leg 3 Breaths
Vira Bhadrasana II – Warrior II pose Open up into warrior 2 – turn your hips sideways facing the left side Knee directly above your ankle, front knee bent towards 90 degree Back leg strong and back foot in heel to arch alignment, plugged into the mat at 90 degree angle. Long waist, chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Stretch your arms out to the sides palms down and if comfortable, look towards your right fingertips Notice how your body wiggles at first, but attains a sense of stability in the poseas you breathe through it. Source: Pictures: Left leg 3 Breaths
Reverse Warrior – Viparita Virabhadrasana Turn your left palm upwards and slowly begin lifting it upwards and back towards the back leg The position of your legs stays unchanged Make sure you are elongating your waist on both sides Chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Source: Pictures: Left leg 1 Long Breath
Extended Side Angle Pose– Parsvakonasana Now lower your top arm to rest on your thigh- do not put much weight on it, use your core muscles to support you. Lean forward stretching your back arm diagonally over your ear The position of your legs stays unchanged, legs are active Make sure you are elongating your waist on both sides Chest up, shoulders down and back, belly in Look at your left palm Feel how after a couple of breaths you feel home again. Source: Pictures: Left leg 3 Breaths
Vinyasa = Plank + Chaturanga + Up Dog/cobra - Uttihita Chaturanga dandasana + Chaturanga Dandasana + Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Bhujangasana Source: Pictures: Come out of the pose through a vinyasa and come to downward dog.
Down Dog with leg lift – Adho Mukha Svanasana with leg lift Slowly lift your straight leg up in the air Hips stay level and focus on not disturbing the balance in the pose Feel your palm and your foot bearing the weight, holding you steady Source: Pictures: Right leg
High Lunge pose – Ashwa Sanchalanasana Swing your lifted leg forward and between your hands Back ball of the foot plugged into the mat Lift your torso up with your arms stretched our along your ears Stabilize the pose using your core and by hugging leg muscles to the bone Breathe through to find ease in the pose Source: Pictures: Right leg 3 Breaths
High Lunge pose with a twist – Ashwa Sanchalanasana Now lower your arms to shoulder level and start turning your torso to the right with your right arm pointing in the same direction as your back heel The position of your hips and legs stays unchanged Notice how your core muscles work to keep you stable Breathe through the pose to find home Source: Pictures: Right leg 3 Breaths
High Lunge pose – Ashwa Sanchalanasana Return to high lunge pose and lower your hands down to the mat Source: Pictures: Right leg
high Lunge Pose (Horse Rider’s pose) – Ashwa sanchalanasana Source: Pictures: Scissor Jump! Scissor jump your legs a few times with gentleness – leaving your left leg in front
High Lunge pose – Ashwa Sanchalanasana Back ball of the foot plugged into the mat Lift your torso up with your arms stretched our along your ears Stabilize the pose using your core and by hugging leg muscles to the bone Breathe through to find ease in the pose Source: Pictures: Left leg 3 Breaths
High Lunge pose with a twist – Ashwa Sanchalanasana Now lower your arms to shoulder level and start turning your torso to the right with your right arm pointing in the same direction as your back heel The position of your hips and legs stays unchanged Notice how your core muscles work to keep you stable Breathe through the pose to find home Source: Pictures: Left leg 3 Breaths
High Lunge pose – Ashwa Sanchalanasana Return to high lunge pose and lower your hands down to the mat Source: Pictures: Left leg
high Lunge Pose (Horse Rider’s pose) – Ashwa sanchalanasana Source: Pictures: Gather up your stability for a smooth transition into warrior III with your right leg lifted. Breathe through changes in balance, you will find your home. (And if you don’t this time– it’s not the end of the world! Keep trying! )
Warrior III pose – Vira Bhadrasana III Source: Pictures: Standing leg is strong Hips are level, back leg is active Torso is straight, belly in, chest open, neck long Breathe through changes in balance, you will find your home. (And if you don’t this time– it’s not the end of the world! Keep trying! ) Left leg=standing
Chair pose – Utkatasana Source: Pictures: From warrior III, slowly move your lifted leg back to meet your standing one, standing at sitting bone width, or feet all the way together Arms stay stretched up, shoulders down Inhale and come into chair pose Bent knees in line with your toes, Tailbone down, belly in, chest up, heart up, shoulders back and down, neck long Breathe, find ease in the pose If you feel comfortable, try coming up on your tippy toes and then slowly lower back down. And come to your tip toes!
Twisted chair pose – Parivrtta Utkatasana Source: Pictures: From chair pose, with hands in anjali mudra, twist to your left Knees are in line, the position of your legs does not change Back straight, both shoulders open Breathe and find home in your twist If you feel confident, try to come onto your tiptoes again! Do it slowly, breather through it, feel your connection to your body and the ground that give you support. Left side…And yes, come to your tip toes!
Chair pose – Utkatasana Source: Pictures: Return to simple chair pose Slowly start tipping your weight forward and start lifting your left leg up for warrior 3 Make it a smooth and mindful transition Stay grounded – connected to your breath
Warrior III pose – Vira Bhadrasana III Source: Pictures: Standing leg is strong Hips are level, back leg is active Torso is straight, belly in, chest open, neck long Breathe through changes in balance, you will find your home. (And if you don’t this time– it’s not the end of the world! Keep trying! ) Right leg=standing
Chair pose – Utkatasana Source: Pictures: From warrior III, slowly move your lifted leg back to meet your standing one, standing at sitting bone width, or feet all the way together Arms stay stretched up, shoulders down Inhale and come into chair pose Bent knees in line with your toes, Tailbone down, belly in, chest up, heart up, shoulders back and down, neck long Breathe, find ease in the pose If you feel comfortable, try coming up on your tippy toes and then slowly lower back down. And come to your tip toes!
Twisted chair pose – Parivrtta Utkatasana Source: Pictures: From chair pose, with hands in anjali mudra, twist to your right Knees are in line, the position of your legs does not change Back straight, both shoulders open Breathe and find home in your twist If you feel confident, try to come onto your tiptoes again! Do it slowly, breather through it, feel your connection to your body and the ground that give you support. Right side…And yes, come to your tip toes!
Chair pose – Utkatasana Source: Pictures: Return to simple chair pose Slowly start tipping your weight forward and start lifting your left leg up for warrior 3 Make it a smooth and mindful transition Stay grounded – connected to your breath
Forward bend - Uttanasana Source: Pictures: Stand with your feet at hip distance to give your lower back a little more space With hands touching the floor or grab your elbows and dangle gently from side to side Knees may be slightly bent, back is straight Breathe
Sun Salutation A - Surya Namaskar A From utanasana come into tadasana – standing pose and take a slow sun salutation At the end, pose in down dog. Source: Pictures: 1X gently
Down Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana Source: Pictures:
Down Dog with leg lift – Adho Mukha Svanasana with leg lift Slowly lift your straight leg up in the air Hips stay level and focus on not disturbing the balance in the pose Feel your palm and your foot bearing the weight, holding you steady Slowly transition to pigeon pose mindful of engaging your core as you draw your right leg forward Source: Pictures: Right leg
Single Pigeon Pose– Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Place your right foot behind your left hand and tip your knee rightwards and place it on the mat Keep your right leg active to prevent twisting the knee! Back foot stays pointed or flexed with toes and knee resting on the mat Keep your hips level and energetically pull your legs together Breathe length into your waist, open your chest, shoulders back, arms straight, palms or spider fingers resting on the mat. If you can go further in the pose, you can lower yourself onto your forearms, or even straighten your arms in front resting on your belly Source: Pictures: Right leg
Down Dog with leg lift – Adho Mukha Svanasana with leg lift Slowly transition back to down dog with your right leg lifted Shake it loose, make circles with your knee Neutralize and take it down to meet the other leg Source: Pictures: Right leg
Down Dog with leg lift – Adho Mukha Svanasana with leg lift Slowly lift your straight leg up in the air Hips stay level and focus on not disturbing the balance in the pose Feel your palm and your foot bearing the weight, holding you steady Slowly transition to pigeon pose mindful of engaging your core as you draw your right leg forward Source: Pictures: Left leg
Single Pigeon Pose– Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Place your left foot behind your right hand and tip your knee leftwards and place it on the mat Keep your left leg active to prevent twisting the knee! Back foot stays pointed or flexed with toes and knee resting on the mat Keep your hips level and energetically pull your legs together Breathe length into your waist, open your chest, shoulders back, arms straight, palms or spider fingers resting on the mat. If you can go further in the pose, you can lower yourself onto your forearms, or even straighten your arms in front resting on your belly Source: Pictures: Left leg
Down Dog with leg lift – Adho Mukha Svanasana with leg lift Slowly transition back to down dog with your right leg lifted Shake it loose, make circles with your knee Neutralize and take it down to meet the other leg Source: Pictures: Left leg
Down Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana Source: Pictures:
Anjaneyasana – half moon pose Draw your right foot forward, back knee stays on the mat, toes pointed or flexed Keep your hips level by engaging your adductor muscles and energetically pulling your legs together While pulling your tailbone down sit lower into the pose to feel your left psoas muscle stretch Arms stretch up, waist is long, shoulders open Source: Pictures: Right leg
Anjaneyasana with quad stretch Start bending your left leg and reach back with your left arm to catch your left foot If you cannot reach it, straighten your front knee a little, or use a strap Keep your hips level and tailbone down Activate the left leg and pull it towards your butt – feel the quadriceps stretching Right arm is resting on your right thigh or hip Source: Pictures: Catch your Left foot
Half Monkey Pose - Ardha Hanumanasana Release your left foot Start straightening your right leg, flex your foot and draw your hips back just above your left knee Keep your hips level and tailbone down Right leg is super active – do not overextend your knee! Back is straight, chest drawing closer to your knee. Belly in, shoulders back Support your weight on your fingertips Source: Pictures: Right foot in front
Down Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana Source: Pictures:
Anjaneyasana – half moon pose Draw your right foot forward, back knee stays on the mat, toes pointed or flexed Keep your hips level by engaging your adductor muscles and energetically pulling your legs together While pulling your tailbone down sit lower into the pose to feel your left psoas muscle stretch Arms stretch up, waist is long, shoulders open Source: Pictures: Left leg
Anjaneyasana with quad stretch Start bending your left leg and reach back with your left arm to catch your left foot If you cannot reach it, straighten your front knee a little, or use a strap Keep your hips level and tailbone down Activate the left leg and pull it towards your butt – feel the quadriceps stretching Right arm is resting on your right thigh or hip Source: Pictures: Catch your Right foot
Half Monkey Pose - Ardha Hanumanasana Release your left foot Start straightening your right leg, flex your foot and draw your hips back just above your left knee Keep your hips level and tailbone down Right leg is super active – do not overextend your knee! Back is straight, chest drawing closer to your knee. Belly in, shoulders back Support your weight on your fingertips Source: Pictures: Left foot in front
Child’s Pose – Balasana Short break Source: Pictures:
Straight legged sitting position– Dandasana Source: Pictures: Transition into sitting with your legs straight Elongate your waist, shoulders back and down, chest up, belly in If you are collapsing in the lower back, prop your sitting bones with a block or a blanket Even here, you need to focus on finding home, your ground
Candle pose - Sarvangasana Come lying onto your back Slowly start lifting your legs Lift your hips off the floor and support yourself on your elbows Legs are active, point straight up, tailbone points straight up Try to maintain length in your neck – look straight up Source: Pictures:
Plough pose - Halasana Transition with your straight legs behind your head Interlace your arms and pull your shoulder blades together Try to keep your back straight and neck long Knees may be straight or bent, depending on whether your back can be held straight with straight legs. Source: Pictures:
Camel pose - Ustrasana From plaugh pose, vertebra by vertebra curl back down and transition onto your knees Inhale, elongate your waist, your hands on your sacrum Slowly start bending backward keeping your hips above your knees and tailbone pointing down to protect your lower back Lift and open your chest If comfortable, stretch your arms slowly one by one to touch your heels Breathe, find your home. Come out of the pose and sit on your heels for a bit Repeat 3 times Source: Pictures: 3x
Straight legged sitting position– Dandasana Source: Pictures: Transition into sitting with your legs straight Elongate your waist, shoulders back and down, chest up, belly in If you are collapsing in the lower back, prop your sitting bones with a block or a blanket Even here, you need to focus on finding home, your ground
Head-to-Knee forward bend – Janu sirsasana Source: Pictures: Right Side Bend your left knee and place your left foot against the right inner thigh Bend over to reach your right leg with your waist long Find a comfortable balance between stretch and relaxation
Head-to-Knee forward bend – Janu sirsasana Source: Pictures: Left Side Bend your right knee and place your left foot against the left inner thigh Bend over to reach your left leg with your waist long Find a comfortable balance between stretch and relaxation
Seated Forward Bend – Paschimottanasana Source: Pictures: Both legs straight Slowly start tipping your torso forward Keep your back straight, do not compromise that to reach further Stop and take a breath as you are bending to check in with your body
Corpse Pose/Relaxation pose – Savasana Source: Pictures:
Foetus POse Source: Pictures:
Simple cross-legged pose – sukhasana Source: Pictures:
Namaste! Source: Pictures: