1 NRC Plans for NESCC Concrete Specifications, Codes & Standards (SCS) Endorsement NESCC Meeting March 28, 2013 Richard Jervey USNRC Office of Regulatory Research, Department of Engineering, Regulatory Guide Branch
2 NRC’s Policies on Consensus Codes and Standards Consensus codes and standards have been integral to the regulatory process for 3 decades Codes and standards promote safe operation of nuclear power plants, improve effectiveness and efficiency of regulatory oversight Federal law requires Government staff to use consensus standards where possible
NRC ‘Endorsement’ Processes Supported with a Legal basis Rules / Regulations (10 CFR) Regulatory Guides (RGs) Indeterminate legal standing (other than precedent) Licenses (FSARs and DCDs)- licensee specific Safety Evaluation Reports (SERs)- licensee specific Inspection Procedures – NRC use Standard Review Plans (SRPs) – NRC use Generic Communications, RIS, IN, etc. Technical Reports (NUREGs) Letters & Memoranda 3
Regulatory Guides & SRPs Regulatory Guides –Guidance to applicants - describes methods that the staff considers acceptable for use in implementing regulations –Large percentage of standards cited by NRC in RGs –Best repository of the current staff positions & standards SRPs –Guidance to NRC staff (not an endorsement, per se) –Only updated intermittently, as determined by NRC offices needs 4
How to get NRC to review your SCS? One process –Send a letter to the NRC Standards Executive (Mike Case); Reg Guide branch coordinates response across NRC offices –Issues: Reviewing is separate from endorsing; based on review, need NRC technical lead to initiate RG update; SRP only updated intermittently Better process –Get an NRC representative to participate in developing the standard –Get an informal commitment from the NRC representative to consider the standard in a RG or SRP –Send a letter to the NRC Standards Executive –Issue: More likely to get NRC tech lead to initiate RG update 5
Generic Plan for Guidance Development 6 No Further Action Receive SCS for Review Identify Regulatory Issue Determine appropriate Guidance and develop Identify and Review Current Guidance Gaps found? YesNo
NRC SCS Review Priorities NRC believes the NESCC recommendations are worthy of support for each SDO. American Concrete Institute- ACI American Society of Mechanical Engineers-ASME American Institute of Steel Construction- AISC American National Standards Institute –ANSI National Fire Protection Association – NFPA American Society of Civil Engineers –ASCE NESCC Concrete / NRC alignment -NRC Top ‘4’ ACI Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-related Structures ACI Code for Concrete Containments ANSI/AISC N Specification for Safety-Related Steel Structures for Nuclear Facilities ASCE 4.xx - Seismic Analysis of Safety Related Structures 7
NRC Work to support NESCC - Concrete SCS related to Concrete is the first area NRC looked at for potential collaboration within NESCC project Staff from the Reg. Guide Branch reviewed NIST/ANSI Concrete report recommendations –Reviewed the Identified Documents and where they stand in NRC plans –Discussed with NRC/RES management Identified key reviews and schedule 8
Planned Reviews of Concrete SCS Goal is to consider needs as identified in the NESCC report for collaborative opportunities Timeline for ACI review, – (includes 51 ASTM Docs) AISC N X with draft Appendix N9 review, –(includes 84 SCS) and Specifications, codes and standards referenced within each 9
American Concrete Institute ACI 349 ACI 349, Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures NRC currently endorses ACI (with exceptions) in RG 1.142, R2, dated 11/2001 Current ACI 349 is 2006 issue with commentary including significant changes worthy of review. Plan is to review/endorse the proposed ACI and ASTM standards in RG: R3 10
RG Plans 11 NRC participating in development –Currently in process DG to go through internal NRC review –Following publishing. (1QFY14?) Publish DG with 60 day comment period –Likely 6 months following publishing Incorporation of comments and ACRS review – Typically 2-6 months following end of public comment period Issue final RG –Total time approximately 1 year following publishing the guide
AISC N and Appendix N9 12 NUREG-0800 is the SRP for Nuclear Power Plants, DCD for the AP1000 as well, currently refers to: N including Supplement 2 (2004), Current N (and 2011) has ANSI/AISC , Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, as the baseline document (instead of standalone document) Use of LRFD approach (with ASD as an alternative) which is consistent with the code for concrete structures (ACI-349) Planned Standard for Modular Composite Construction (SC) (Appendix N9) –A concurrent review of Appendix N9, Standard for Modular Composite Construction (SC) is ongoing –Also comparing with International standards –Plan to issue a new RG “Safety-Related Steel and Steel- Concrete Composite Structures (Other than reactor vessels and containments)” would like it to include App. N9
RG Rev. 0 Plans Ongoing NRC participation in development, and concurrent review 3 rd party review complete by –4QFY13 DG-1304 to go through internal NRC review – (incorporate draft App. N9) –1QFY14 Publish DG-1304 with day comment period –1QFY14 Incorporation of comments and ACRS review –(variable) Issue final RG –2Q-3QFY14 13
NRC SCS Review Normal Review Process NRC reviews the Reg. Guide library in a 5 year cycle. 3 outcomes: –Acceptable-As-Is –Revise, or –Withdraw Upcoming reviews include guides which reference numerous SRS 14
Related Seismic Regulatory Guides and SCS Development of Floor Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Floor-Supported Equipment or Components (1978) 10CFR50, App. A Criteria 2; Peak response spectra analysis Site Investigation for Foundations of Nuclear Power Plants (2003) 10CFR100, Subpart B Reactor Site Criteria; RG covers Detailed site investigations; borings; rocks and soils etc. RG references ASTM, ASCE US Army COE Procedures and Criteria for Assessing Seismic Soil Liquefaction at Nuclear Power Plant Sites (2003) 10CFR Analysis of soli liquefaction Anchoring Components and Structural Supports in Concrete (2003) ASCE Army COE, Etc. 15
Questions? ??? Contact Rick , or, Regulatory Guide Comment Portal collections/reg-guides/contactus.html 16