PHYS40422: Applied Nuclear Physics Paul Campbell Room Interaction of Radiation with Matter 2.Radiation Detection 3.Biological Effects of Radiation 4.Applications of Nuclear Techniques 5.Nuclear Fission 6.Nuclear Fusion
Recommended Texts: Introductory Nuclear Physics by Krane. Nuclear Physics, Principles and Applications by Lilley. Radiation Detection and Measurement by Knoll Everything you want to know about detectors!
1896: Radioactivity Becquerel in Paris 1912: The atomic nucleus Geiger, Marsden, Rutherford in Manchester 1932: The neutron Chadwick in Cambridge 1945: The atomic bomb Hiroshima, August 6 th 8.15am The study and understanding of Nuclear Physics has developed, not only as an interesting and exciting field of science; but also in a way that impinges on the lives of all human beings. In this lecture course we shall discuss the ways in which nuclear processes affect us and the environment; and how they can be exploited to the benefit of humans. We shall be considering the negative and positive aspects.
Over a period of about half a century, humans have been able to use nuclear processes to produce immense power output; we have been able to create artificial radioactivity. We grapple with the social, physiological and moral consequences of this ability. There are many diverse opinions (rather infrequently supported by scientific fact). I hope by taking this course you will gain the scientific knowledge to contribute to a rational debate on the problems and to form your own judgements based on science.
Sub-atomic Physics Nuclear Physics Particle Physics many-body systems n-p interactions Quarks and gluons substructures of particles Fundamental interactions
Sub-atomic Physics Nuclear Physics Particle Physics many-body systems n-p interactions Quarks and gluons substructures of particles Fundamental interactions DETECTORS
Sub-atomic Physics Nuclear Physics Particle Physics many-body systems n-p interactions Quarks and gluons substructures of particles Fundamental interactions DETECTORS Interaction of radiation with matter
DETECTORS Interaction of radiation with matter Biological effects
DETECTORS Interaction of radiation with matter Biological effects Medical applications
DETECTORS Interaction of radiation with matter Biological effects Medical applications Radiation protection
DETECTORS Interaction of radiation with matter Biological effects Medical applications Radiation protection Industrial applications
Nuclear Physics Nuclear reactions FusionFission Interesting Nuclear Physics Power production weapons Interaction of radiation with matter Many different types
Nuclear Physics Nuclear reactions FusionFission Interesting Nuclear Physics Power production weapons Interaction of radiation with matter Many different types NMR, laser spect., Mass spectroscopy
Binding energy per nucleon Low energy reactions: Mass number A is conserved : Fusion of light nuclei, and fission of heavy nuclei, are exothermic
Binding energy per nucleon Low energy reactions: Mass number A is conserved : Fusion of light nuclei, and fission of heavy nuclei, are exothermic
Recap of some basic Nuclear Physics 1)To first approximation neutrons and protons pack like hard spheres which means that the nuclear volume is proportional to the number of particles in the nucleus (wavefunctions) 2)The nuclear radius is proportional to A 1/3 3)Bound nuclei exist which are either stable or decay radioactively 4)The binding energy per nucleon (~8 MeV/A) peaks near iron (Z=26) 5)Energy is released when light nuclei fuse and heavy nuclei fission
Neutron number Proton number The Chart of the Nuclides
Neutron number Proton number Isotopes: Different neutron number but same proton number (same element, same chemistry) Isotones: Different proton number but same neutron number Isobars: Same nucleon number, A A=N+Z is constant The Chart of the Nuclides: some terminology
Binding Energy: Semi-Empirical Mass Formula
In summary: 1) There are a limited number of stable nuclei 2) Away from the valley of stability, unstable nuclei exist and can emit: electrons and positrons (beta decay) gamma rays alpha particles protons fission fragments (which then emit neutrons) 3) We need to detect and measure these emissions 4) We need to protect ourselves against the biological effects 5) We can make use of nuclear particles and gamma rays for positive purposes