Graduate School – Colorado State University Professional Relationships and Expectations in Graduate School – aka Conflict management before the conflict Peter K. Dorhout Jodie R. Hanzlik
Resources for Relationship Management “Research Student & Supervisor” L. DeNeef, M. King, D. Denecke, CGS, 2009 “Setting Expectations and Resolving Conflicts in Graduate Education” K. Klomparens, et al., CGS, 2008 “Making the Implicit Explicit – Creating Performance Expectations for the Dissertation” B. E. Lovitts, Stylus, 2007 “On the Right Track: A Manual for Research Mentors” M. King, CGS, 2 Graduate School – Colorado State University
What we hope to accomplish: Understand what are some recurring problems we see at CSU and across the US, in general Share some observations about graduate student experiences across the disciplines Share some best practices among programs Improve the graduate student experience Retain graduate students in our programs 80% achieve the Master’s who start 58% achieve the PhD who start Most students leave in the first 3 years Become a destination graduate university Graduate School – Colorado State University 3
Understanding the Student/Advisor Partnership Framework of the Graduate Program Expectations for the Thesis/Dissertation Critical Challenges to Success Developing a Mentoring Program Key elements for a Student Handbook – group discussion Graduate School – Colorado State University 4
Student/Advisor Relationship – Intellectual Partnerships Two aspects to faculty supervision Creativity – most critical Stimulate and excite students in the field Select appropriate problems Provide a steady stream of ideas, critiques Making appropriate progress towards the degree Maintain a steady presence in the student’s life Develop networks in the discipline 5 “Research Student & Supervisor,” L. DeNeef, M. King, D. Denecke, CGS,2009. Graduate School – Colorado State University
Elements of the Partnership Students & Faculty Career Development Gainful Employment Elements Intellectual growth Curiosity Passion for research Time and $ ̶ Time to degree ̶ Likelihood of completion Degree is not the ultimate goal – it’s a career Unique relationship with advisor – not like UG Success relies on guidance/familiarity of elements 6 “Research Student & Supervisor,” L. DeNeef, M. King, D. Denecke, CGS,2009. Graduate School – Colorado State University
Communication is Vital Graduate School – Colorado State University 7 When you talk, you repeat what you already know; when you listen, you often learn something. - - Jared Sparks
The Framework of the Program – Student Handbook Framework provides a shared understanding of the critical elements for success in the program Structure and time in formal coursework Assessing coursework in relation to the program – the core competencies Requirements for rotations/selecting a mentor Expectations for financial support Expectations for Responsible Conduct of Research training Clear description of exam(s) to candidacy – critical thinking Timetable for submitting written work such as original proposals Timetable and expectations for oral presentations Expected timeline for degree and its components above 8 “Research Student & Supervisor,” L. DeNeef, M. King, D. Denecke, CGS,2009. Graduate School – Colorado State University
Do the hurdles meet expectations? Graduate School – Colorado State University 9
Qualities of a Thesis/Dissertation Purpose of the thesis in the discipline Nature/significance of an Original Contribution Identifying what is the student’s contribution v. team Journals format thesis, copyright, intellectual property Components of the thesis Introduction, body of the work, literature review Quality of the thesis Examples of quality products, departmental/faculty expectations, preparing the electronic Thesis/Dissertation Graduate School – Colorado State University 10 Q: What are the quality standards? A: HIGH! Q: How long should my thesis be? A: Long enough to cover the topic. Q: How exhaustive should my lit review be? A: Exhaustive! “Making the Implicit Explicit,” B. E. Lovitts, Stylus, 2007.
Thesis expectations…. Graduate School – Colorado State University 11
Critical Challenges to Success Time is the Enemy Inexperienced students & time management Perfectionism (student and faculty) Distractions (student and faculty) Faculty funding Poor relationship Early Research is Key REU or UG research experiences – incoming students Develop research habits early (lab/research/practicum courses) Reading literature – critical reading and thinking Independent research – opportunities to fail and recover Attending departmental seminars – communication skills Boot camp for graduate school 12 “Research Student & Supervisor,” L. DeNeef, M. King, D. Denecke, CGS,2009. Graduate School – Colorado State University
Perfectionism Early timetables Setting and understanding expectations Avoiding the “just one more experiment” trap Faculty Establish and enforce timelines early Write up what has been achieved Identifying what are the next steps/holes in data Regular reports feed annual reports to funding agencies Encourage weekly updates and oral reporting 14 “Research Student & Supervisor,” L. DeNeef, M. King, D. Denecke, CGS,2009. Critical Challenges to Success Graduate School – Colorado State University
Distraction and Diversion Students or faculty “hooked” on a new technique or idea Tangents into “interesting observations” Advisor needs to tie these together for students sometimes Faculty Funding and Accessibility Funding is fluid in research – share the understanding of how funding works. A “half-time” appointment doesn’t mean you only need to work 20 hours a week on the project. Understanding departmental policies on funding for students Communication with students is critical Rotations provide a “honeymoon” period Understanding expectations is critical to relationship 15 “Research Student & Supervisor,” L. DeNeef, M. King, D. Denecke, CGS,2009. Critical Challenges to Success Graduate School – Colorado State University
Different stages of the relationship… Graduate School – Colorado State University 16
Tips for Successful Advising Access Regular meetings with students Limit or focus time away from campus Communication is critical Freedom Encourage collaboration, broad coursework, seminars, workshops, international research opportunities Collaboration Involve postdocs, committee in advising Encourage interdisciplinary thinking, teamwork Exposure Students should present orally as often as possible Take or send students to professional meetings Use internships or summer workshops 17 “Research Student & Supervisor,” L. DeNeef, M. King, D. Denecke, CGS,2009. Graduate School – Colorado State University
Tips for Advising - Continued Setting expectations for BOTH the advisor and student Timelines and components of graduate program parameters: Choosing a graduate committee, lab activity, funding- teaching/research assistantships, prelims, etc. Goals How? Formal or informal orientation courses or department meetings Individual advisor/student meetings Peer mentoring as a function of department infrastructure Graduate School – Colorado State University 18
The Framework of the Program – Discussion: what do you have? Framework provides a shared understanding of the critical elements for success in the program Structure and time in formal coursework Assessing coursework in relation to the program – the core competencies Requirements for rotations/selecting a mentor Expectations for financial support Clear description of exam(s) to candidacy – critical thinking Timetable for submitting written work such as original proposals Timetable and expectations for oral presentations Expected timeline for degree and its components above 19 “Research Student & Supervisor,” L. DeNeef, M. King, D. Denecke, CGS,2009. Graduate School – Colorado State University
Additional Resources Graduate Advisors association pdf Graduate School – Colorado State University 20