Who Is Civil Air Patrol? Presented by: Presenter’s name Presenter’s Squadron
Missions for America for over 65 years 1941: CAP Established Dec 1 st 1943: Transferred to War Department 1946: Incorporated (PL 476) 1948: Auxiliary of the United States Air Force (PL 557) Air Force (PL 557) CAP is a federally chartered nonprofit corporation. CAP is also the official Auxiliary of the Air Force. First National Board Chairman: Gen “Tooey” Spaatz HistoryHistory
… by performing Homeland Security and humanitarian missions for our communities, states, and nation, … by developing our country’s youth, and educating our citizens on the importance of air and space power. To Serve America
MissionsMissions Aerospace Education Cadet Programs Emergency Services SAR/DR Homeland Security Counterdrug Humanitarian Services AFROTC Flights CAP Members AE Members General Public Leadership Physical Fitness Activities CAP School Program
SECAF Board of Governors CAP National Headquarters National Commander NEC / National Board Headquarters, Air Education and Training Command Headquarters, Air University Headquarters, CAP-USAF LiaisonRegion Offices Liaison Region Offices CAP Regions CAP Wings CAP Groups CAP Squadrons State Directors Organizational Structure
CAP Regions PacificRegion Rocky Mt. Region SouthwestRegion North Central Region Great Lakes Region Southeast Region Region HQ CAP (Maxwell AFB, Ala.) Northeast Region Region Middle East Region Region
CAP Presence = One Unit Overseas Units 3 - Japan 2 - Germany Overseas Units 3 - Japan 2 - Germany CAP Units
FY 06 Budget Appropriated - $31,109,000 - Operations & Maintenance $24,288,000 - Aircraft $ 6,000,000 - Vehicle $ 821,000 Corporate - $2,058,753 State Support - $3,174,491
4,500 Fixed Land Radios 8,100 Mobile Radios 8,100 Mobile Radios 990 Vehicles CAP Resources 530 Aircraft 55,717 Members 33,674 Officers 22,043 Cadets
Total Flying Hours FY 05 Accident Rate Saves FY FY
Cessna 182 Garmin G-1000 glass cockpitGarmin G-1000 glass cockpit factory trained CAP instructor pilots50 factory trained CAP instructor pilots Gippsland GA-8 ARCHER platformARCHER platform 13 in the field13 in the field 3 more awaiting assignment3 more awaiting assignment Aircraft Procurement
Centralized coordination center, not centralized taskingCentralized coordination center, not centralized tasking C2 – Coordinate and CommunicateC2 – Coordinate and Communicate Obtain USAF approvalObtain USAF approval AF Assigned & CAP Corporate MissionsAF Assigned & CAP Corporate Missions Homeland SecurityHomeland Security CounterdrugCounterdrug Disaster ReliefDisaster Relief Coordinate additional resources from other wingsCoordinate additional resources from other wings Consolidate and up-channel mission reportsConsolidate and up-channel mission reports National Operations Center
OperationsOperations SDIS Satellite Digital Imaging System StatusStatus 58 in service now58 in service now 80 by end of FY 0680 by end of FY 06ARCHER Airborne Real-time Cueing Hyperspectral Enhanced Recon StatusStatus 4 systems accepted4 systems accepted 17 total by Summer 0617 total by Summer 06
151 hours flown in FY 05 in 1st AF’s National Capital Region for a cost of less than $9,200! Visual Warning System Test 1st Air Force1st Air Force Falcon Virgo MissionFalcon Virgo Mission National Capital RegionNational Capital Region Test Visual Wave-OffTest Visual Wave-Off May May sorties3 sorties ResultsResults All flights safely accomplishedAll flights safely accomplished Identified improvements neededIdentified improvements needed OperationsOperations
CAP was first nonmilitary flight allowed following the attack! Post 9/11
TN FEMA Heartland Response ’ 04 - New Madrid Fault Exercise NORTHCOM Support Determined Promise ’04 -TOPOFF 3/Ardent Sentry ’05 - Eagle Rescue Exercise ‘06 - Ardent Sentry ‘06 ExercisesExercises OH CT
Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Ophelia and Wilma 1,048 Air Sorties 1,048 Air Sorties 2,023 Flight Hours 2,023 Flight Hours 131 Ground Team Missions 131 Ground Team Missions Hurricane Support
Critical infrastructuresCritical infrastructures Restricted or sensitive areasRestricted or sensitive areas BordersBorders Additional Support
Teachers 1,623 Aerospace Education Members (AEMs)1,623 Aerospace Education Members (AEMs) Reaching nearly 50,000 youthReaching nearly 50,000 youth National Conference on Aviation and Space EducationNational Conference on Aviation and Space Education Washington, DC, Oct 19-22Washington, DC, Oct 19-22Materials Dozens of free aviation & space materialsDozens of free aviation & space materials Meets national standardsMeets national standards New ISS thematic unitNew ISS thematic unit Journey of Flight textbookJourney of Flight textbook Curriculum sharing with AFJROTCCurriculum sharing with AFJROTC |||||| Aerospace Education
7 National Flight Academies 5 powered, 2 glider5 powered, 2 glider 15 Aerospace Career Courses 8 Air Force, 7 Civil Aerospace8 Air Force, 7 Civil Aerospace 16 Leadership Activities National Cadet Competition 168 cadets, Udvar-Hazy Center168 cadets, Udvar-Hazy Center Cadet Orientation Flights Over 10,000 cadets flownOver 10,000 cadets flown Region & Wing Summer Encampments Over 6,000 cadetsOver 6,000 cadets In 42 locationsIn 42 locations Cadet Activities
Careers---USAF Familiarization Courses AETC: Laughlin & Columbus AFBs Space Command: Patrick, Peterson, & Vandenberg AFBs Weather Agency: Offutt AFB Pararescue: Kirtland AFB Careers--- Civil Sector Aircraft Maintenance & Manufacturing (With Cessna at Assembly Plant) Aerospace Education Academy Engineering Technology Academy (2) (With Auburn and Wright State Universities) Advanced Technology Academy (2) Airline Industry Academy (New Partnership with Frontier Airlines) Career Exploration
Civic Leadership Academy February 26 – March 5, 2005February 26 – March 5, Cadets24 Cadets Studied federal governmentStudied federal government Explored careers in public serviceExplored careers in public service February 25- March 4, 2006February 25- March 4, 2006 OAS Cadet Delegates June 3 – 7, 2005June 3 – 7, Cadets2 Cadets Experience international affairsExperience international affairs Met world leadersMet world leaders International Air Cadet Exchange-- Annually 530 total, 80 US, 14 nations530 total, 80 US, 14 nations Advanced Citizenship
Capt Nicole Malachowski, USAF Former CAP cadetFormer CAP cadet Former USAF Academy cadet glider and instructor pilotFormer USAF Academy cadet glider and instructor pilot First female pilot in the U.S. Air Force ThunderbirdsFirst female pilot in the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds Capt Kim Campbell, USAF Former CAP cadetFormer CAP cadet Former USAF Academy cadet wing commanderFormer USAF Academy cadet wing commander Safely lands heavily damaged A-10 after sustaining hostile fire over IraqSafely lands heavily damaged A-10 after sustaining hostile fire over Iraq Cadet Training Pays Off!
Department of State FAANASA Aviation Week Aerospace Education Foundation Aerospace Industries Association Auburn University Dowling College Wright State University Experimental Aircraft Association Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Order of Daedalians Soaring Society of America Congressional Award Foundation Challenger Center Sally Ride Science Festivals And more! PartnershipsPartnerships
CAP Chaplains Same appointment requirements as AFSame appointment requirements as AF Provides CAP character development leadershipProvides CAP character development leadership Assist Air Force Chaplain ServiceAssist Air Force Chaplain Service
Chaplain Force Multiplier CAP Chaplains Currently supports 19 military installations, including 13 AF bases Currently supports 19 military installations, including 13 AF bases Chief of Chaplains attended NORAD conference April 2006 Chief of Chaplains attended NORAD conference April 2006 Also working to provide Navy and Marine support Also working to provide Navy and Marine support A Partnership in Ministries
Media Spotlight Featured on: CNN’s weeklong HLS special, “Defending America”; History Channel’s “Tactical to Practical” (2.1 million viewers); “Pulse on America” video aired 63 times on CNN & CNN Headline News Two PSAs aired on Discovery Networks Aviation Week cover photo & feature story on CAP’s HLS initiatives & glass-cockpit equipped Cessna 182s Features on CAP appeared in Skywatch, Western Air Defense Sector’s magazine, and in American Defender, 1 st Air Force’s magazine Publicity campaigns included CAP’s hurricane disaster relief, which was featured on CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio and other media Public Outreach
Online CAP --“Online News” stories 1.2 million page hits 300,000 downloaded videos 21,000 viewers of live stream events Products Civil Air Patrol Volunteer PAO Toolkit issued to every unit nationwide Awards American Society of Association Executive’s 2006 Summit Award winner 2006 Air Force Association’s Jimmy Doolittle Fellow Award Public Outreach
Find a squadron close to you! Go to or talk to your presenter today!Find a squadron close to you! Go to or talk to your presenter today! Visit the meetings. You may visit more than one squadron. When you find the right squadron for you, request an application and a fingerprint card.Visit the meetings. You may visit more than one squadron. When you find the right squadron for you, request an application and a fingerprint card. Mail completed application, fingerprint card and check for dues to National Headquarters.Mail completed application, fingerprint card and check for dues to National Headquarters. Complete applications processed within 24 hours of receipt!Complete applications processed within 24 hours of receipt! How Can I Join?
Will my child be obligated to join the military? No, CAP is the civilian auxiliary of the USAF and supports the Air Force through non- combat missions. No one in CAP is ever deployed or obligated to join the military.Will my child be obligated to join the military? No, CAP is the civilian auxiliary of the USAF and supports the Air Force through non- combat missions. No one in CAP is ever deployed or obligated to join the military. Will I have to wear a uniform? Cadets must wear the blue Air Force style uniform. Officers may choose to wear any of the CAP authorized uniforms. There is no obligation to wear a uniform unless the member flies in a CAP aircraft or participates in a mission.Will I have to wear a uniform? Cadets must wear the blue Air Force style uniform. Officers may choose to wear any of the CAP authorized uniforms. There is no obligation to wear a uniform unless the member flies in a CAP aircraft or participates in a mission. What is the time commitment? You do get out of CAP what you put into it. Most squadrons meet once a week; however, there are activities, training exercises and missions that enhance your experience with CAP. The more involved you are, the more you will enjoy your CAP membership!What is the time commitment? You do get out of CAP what you put into it. Most squadrons meet once a week; however, there are activities, training exercises and missions that enhance your experience with CAP. The more involved you are, the more you will enjoy your CAP membership! Common Questions
Work with cadetsWork with cadets Manage squadron finances (Finance Officer)Manage squadron finances (Finance Officer) Ensure squadron meets all requirements (Admin Officer)Ensure squadron meets all requirements (Admin Officer) Observer, Scanner or Ground Team LeaderObserver, Scanner or Ground Team Leader ChaplainChaplain Legal Officer Aerospace Education Logistics Communications (high frequency radio operators) Public Affairs Recruiter How Can YOU Help?
Squadron Name Squadron Point of Contact Telephone Number Address Meeting day, time and location Local Squadron Contact Information
… performing missions for America! Civil Air Patrol