Mae Jemison Space Scientist By Gail Sakurai
Mae Jemison
Key Vocabulary astronaut specialist launches weightlessness mission artificial orbit reusable satellite space shuttle
Space Is the Place Page 113 Time to practice your vocabulary words. Turn to page 113. Good Luck! Answers
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astronaut A person trained to participate in the flight of a spacecraft. Back
launches puts into action by force. Back
mission An operation that is assigned to achieve certain goals. Back
orbit The path of a spacecraft around the earth. Back
reusable Able to be used again. Back
satellite A device made to orbit the earth while performing a task. Back
space shuttle A spacecraft launched like a rocket that can return to earth and land like a plane. Back
specialist One who becomes an expert in a particular field. Back
weightlessness The condition of being without weight. Back
artificial Created by humans rather than occurring in nature. Back
Key Vocabulary astronaut specialist launches weightlessness mission artificial orbit reusable satellite space shuttle
Key Vocabulary astronaut specialist launches weightlessness mission artificial orbit reusable satellite space shuttle