KORCOS Conference Dr. Carol Wertz March 9, 2012 Songdo International School
8 Components of a Great Lesson Lesson preparation Building background Comprehensible input Strategies Interaction Lesson delivery Practice and application Review and assessment
When you think of a memorable classroom experience, what did it involve? What made it memorable?
Tell me and I forget… Show me and I might remember… Involve me and I understand.
Perfect Lesson I do I doYou help You doI help You do
100% Engagement 100% Of the time!
What’s the balance? In your classroom, what percentage of the time is teacher talk? What percentage of the time is student talk? How often are students using key vocabulary?
Structured Interaction Planned oral rehearsal between students which focuses on practicing key concepts and academic vocabulary.
3 Principles to Help Els Succeed Increase Comprehensibility Increase Interaction Increase Thinking Skills
Give One, Get One Fill in one square with a strategy you like to use. Ask colleagues to fill in other squares and put their initials in the square. Under what category do these strategies fall?
Other Ideas for Student Engagement Thumbs up/down Number 1 – 3 for self-assessment Muddiest point Entrance or exit ticket Think-pair-share Individual whiteboards Hot seat Agree: stand up Disagree: sit down Question box 3 x 5 cards Library pocket cards
Cooperative Learning Must be taught! How do you know you’re working well together? (as a group or with a partner)
Freeze and Talk Prepare questions around a topic studied Students walk around room until teacher says, “Freeze!” Students form pairs or groups and discuss answer with their partners. Repeat several times. Students may not pair up with same person more than once. Debrief
Lines of Communication Facebook? Speed dating? Students form two parallel lines so each person is facing a partner. One line will move; one will not. Ask question; they discuss with partner. First student in moving line goes to the end; everyone now has new partner. Repeat several times. Debrief
Numbered Heads Together Students number themselves within their group. Teacher asks questions and gives time to discuss. Call number randomly. Students with that number in each group stand up and report group’s answer. Repeat. Debrief.
People Hunt Into what category would you put this?
Resources Adapting Content to Empower English Langauge Learning Students (ACEES), Gr. 6 – 12, Margaret Rohan, Pearson Pub. 120 Content Strategies for English Language Learners, (Secondary), Jodi Reiss, Pearson Brain-Compatible Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners, Marjorie Haley, Allyn & Bacon Sheltered Content Instruction – Teaching English Learners with Diverse Abilities, Echevarris and Graves, Allyn & Bacon
Resources 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model The SIOP Model for Teaching Mathematics to English Learners The SIOP Model for Teaching English-Language Arts to English Learners The SIOP Model for Teaching Science to English Learners (all Pearson Publications)