Your Challenge, Our Solution. The Principal Wellness Company Difference
A Custom Solution to Meet Your Needs Your Story Client information Client info specifics Challenge information Client’s challenges
Improving health, reducing risks Creating a culture of wellness Principal Wellness Solutions –Participant services –Organizational services Wellness is now Today’s Focus Your Challenge, Our Solution.
Our solution is: A Culture of Wellness Creating a Culture of Wellness Principal Wellness Company provides strategic wellness solutions that help individuals improve their personal health and help employers improve their overall organizational health by creating a sustainable culture of wellness. Effective Simple Affordable
Wellness Assessment Participant Services Accurate and easy-to-understand assessments help determine each participant’s current health risk status and create a recommendation for improvement. High engagement rates are essential meet wellness strategy objectives. Aggregate reporting is available. online and paper versions available
Worksite or At-Home Preventive Screenings Participant Services Screening services are provided at the worksite by professionals who are trained and certified At-home kits are available to insure access for all participants Partnered with the Wellness Assessment, determine Health Coaching candidates
Preventive Screenings Participant Services Worksite: Professionally trained and certified screeners - Immediate biometric results with a private, one-on-one consultation At-Home: Testing accuracy equivalent to leading national labs - Personal report available online in about a week 100% Ability to screen 100% of population, regardless of size
Health Coaching Participant Services At-risk individuals receive one-on-one assistance for specific areas of concern to improve their overall health and reduce their risks. Coaching sessions are supplemented with s, text messages, online content, print resources, education, activities and more Four scheduled sessions plus unlimited, inbound calls
Year Round Wellness Program Participant Services The foundation of a strong wellness program Based on a data-driven strategy, this program: - Keeps the healthy population healthy - Encourages those at high risk to take action - Creates a culture of wellness at the workplace
Year Round Wellness Program Participant Services Custom wellness strategy Incentive strategy to meet your goals Comprehensive communication plan Quarterly themes - Emotional and mental health - Physical activity - Nutrition - Self-care and consumerism
Year Round Wellness Program Participant Services The Member Portal is an interactive, educational and promotional aspect of the wellness program. Features include: Participation tracking, with view of Wellness Credits Access to the Wellness Assessment, online seminars and online challenges Client-specific content, logo and domain name Targeted messaging based on location, risk status, areas of interest, and more
Shaded areas can be customized to feature your messages and activities!
The Participant Experience Participant Services
Company and program overview Incentives Outcomes Secrets to success Proven Results Participant Services
A Incentive Plan Personal Improvement Population Improvement Outcomes Reporting Participation Tracking Communications Plan INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES Preventive Screening Health Coaching Wellness Assessment Seminars Challenges Campaigns Wellness Committees Local Events ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES Wellness Strategy
Implementation Management Organizational Services Personalized Implementation Manager for days Develop a custom wellness strategy Consult on wellness incentives and provide recommendations Set goals and objectives for the wellness program Provide Implementation Handbook, Strategy Document, Implementation Timeline, Communication Plan
Communication Timeline Principal Wellness Company.
Account Management Organizational Services Facilitates regular meetings to review the communication strategy, program activities and participation rates Leads strategic wellness planning processes Participates in the implementation process Delivers reports and program outcomes Assists in the development of future wellness strategies
Reporting and Analysis Organizational Services Screening Summary Report – Provides an immediate picture of the biometric health risks within the organization Executive Summary Report – Provides an overview of the population’s health risk status and readiness for change. The data is used to provide guidance to improve the overall health and to reduce the risks of the population. Health Coaching Report – Provides an ongoing picture of health coaching engagement and progress for those identified as high- risk during the assessment period Program Participation Report - Information about who is engaged in which activities, including who achieved the incentive
Year-over-Year Cost of Doing Nothing Wellness is Now
Value of Investment Wellness is Now ROI VOI Financial Indicators Preventive Screening Indicators Health Risk Indicators Clinical Indicators Utilization Indicators Productivity Indicators Quality of Life Indicators Financial Indicators
Helping Healthier Businesses Run Better Wellness is Now Principal Wellness Company Nearly 20 years in the business with over 300 clients A trusted and flexible provider Regional focus with a national reach In business for over 125 years One of world’s most ethical companies, according to Ethisphere magazine (2007)
GP58964 © 2010 Principal Financial Services, Inc. 11/2010 Principal Wellness does not diagnose or treat any medical condition or provide medical advice. Results obtained from program participation depend upon health status and how the information provided is applied. Consult with legal and tax advisors regarding any legal or tax implications of financial incentives, rewards, prizes, drawings and giveaways.