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Transcript/Credit Check
Behind on Credits? Don’t Run Out of Time! Saturday School Saturday School Evening School Evening School MDLP/TUOL online MDLP/TUOL online Online - credit recovery Online - credit recovery CRC 7 th,8 th, and 9 th hour CRC 7 th,8 th, and 9 th hour Career Exploration (Elective Credit) Career Exploration (Elective Credit) Correspondence Correspondence Stop in the Counseling Office for registration information and an alternative credit form.
Last year’s Seniors earned…… Over 6.3 million in scholarship dollars! 248 Scholarships were awarded
Is it worth the effort? For a $1,000 Scholarship… If you spent, 10 hours of research & completing applications = $100 per hour
Still not convinced? If you made $8 an hour, you would have to work 125 hours to = $1000
Where to Research Scholarships MdN website (Scholarship link on right side of page) Academic Department’s website at any college or university or google search
What is the eligibility criteria? GPA Ethnicity Gender Volunteer history First to attend college Field of interest Political party Religion Parent’s profession Willingness to work in economically depressed areas
Application Core Components Scholarship Application Personal Statement Letters of recommendation (2 minimum) Academic Transcript Resume Activity List, SAT/ACT scores, FAFSA
Personal Statement Personal and family background Education and career goals Personal interests, achievements, extracurricular activities, work experience, community service involvement Your financial need * Go to Guidance Webpage to print out “Tips on Writing a Personal Statement”
Letters of Recommendation Best Practices Be proactive, ask Early! Inform them of your deadline Send them an at least two days before you pick up Give them a resume, personal statement, and transcript
Milk Contest $10,000 Winner
Sample of Scholarship Applications Chris Massey Scholarship The Longan Education Scholarship
Do’s & Don’ts of Scholarships Do Apply, Apply, Apply often and early! Do use multiple sources for finding scholarships Do search local scholarships Do follow instructions carefully Do write scholarship due dates on your personal calendar Do develop a Suite of Generic Reusable Materials
Don’t Never pay to apply for a scholarship! Don’t waste your money on scholarship search services that promise to help you tap into vast amount of unclaimed financial aid funds. There are many web sites that provide the same information for FREE.
Five Scholarship Myths “Only students with high academic achievement win merit scholarships” “Scholarships applicants should seek to compile the longest list of extracurricular activities”
Myths (cont.) “The track record you’ve already accumulated determines whether you’ll win scholarships” “I won’t qualify for financial aid because my parents make too much money”
“Where can I VOLUNTEER?” City of Mesa- Summer Aquatics Program: City of Mesa- Neighborhood Outreach: City of Mesa- Open Gym: City of Mesa- Youth Sports & Special Events: City of Tempe- Tempe Public Library Summer Reading Club Assistant: City of Tempe- Tempe Public Library Computer Assistants/Youth Library: Tempe Public Library- Youth Friends City of Tempe- Parks & Recreation Instructors Assistant/ Recreation Classes City of Tempe- Parks & Recreation- Junior Lifeguards- Kiwanis, Clark, McClintock, Escalante Pools All other City of Tempe volunteer questions, call Valle del Sol Volunteer Program , AZ Dept. of Economic Security Volunteer Services: Paz de Cristo Community Outreach , Habitat For Humanity Volunteer City of Phoenix Senior Services Save The Family Volunteer ext All volunteer information on MdN Guidance website
University Scholarship Programs President Barack Obama Scholars Program – $60,000 or less U of A Assurance Program - $42,400
MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS –When applying to Arizona universities, you are automatically considered for a merit scholarship IF you have taken the SAT/ACT –APPLY early to find out results and have first priority with dorm rooms!
“A’s” or “B’s” in the 16 required core classes (“C’s” can be ignored with extra classes or good AP scores in the same subject.) AND 3.5 cumulative GPA in courses used above AND Exceed AIMS in all subjects by 10 th grade Or Exceed in 2 areas of AIMS and get “3’s” on 2 AP tests AND Finally Have a minimum SAT of 1300 or ACT of 28 ABOR High Honors Waiver
Financial Aid 101 What you need to know
Financial Aid Crash Course: The Types of Federal Aid Grants – do not have to be paid back! (Maximum award amount $5,500) Loans – borrowed money that you must repay Work-study – work on campus
Timeline for (FAFSA) Free Application for Federal Student Aid Priority filing date February 15 th FAFSA application on the web Estimate your eligibility on
College Goal Sunday Get free, on-site professional assistance completing the FAFSA Date: mid-February Time: 2 PM – 4 PM Place: To be announced
Scholarships to look for Tempe Diablos Scholarship -Top 50% of class, be a resident of Tempe, plan to attend ASU or any Maricopa Community College Tempe IDA Scholarship -Top 50% of class, must be a resident of Tempe, any institution, Amount $1,000
MdN Scholarships MdN Chris Massey Memorial Scholarship -Minimum 2.5 GPA, any institution, preference to education majors, Amount $1,000 Tempe Dollars for Scholars Scholarship -GPA varies, Amount $1,000 and up
Scholarships Arizona Private Schools Assoc. Scholarship -Attend any vocational school, Amount $1,000 Maricopa Community College Presidential Scholarship -For students in the top 15% during the 6 th, 7 th, or 8 th semester
Login to the computer Login: S followed by your Synergy Student Number –Example: S Password: Pwd followed by your birthday (MMDDYYYY) (note the capital P as well). –Example: Katniss Everdeen has a birthday of May 8, 1996 has a default password of Pwd You will be required to change your initial password on first login to the system.
ECAP: Education Career Action Plan Log onto –Username: first initial, middle initial, last name, day of birth (Example: Katniss B. Everdeen born May 8, 1996: kbeverdeen8 ) –Password: student ID #
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