Heat Transfer by Radiation: Radiation is the exchange of electromagnetic energy that occurs when there is a difference in temperature between the skin and the surrounding environment. As convection and conduction bring the heat from within the body to the level of the skin, radiation assists in the transfer of this heat from the skin to the air METHODS OF HEAT TRANSFER (2)
Heat transfer by evaporation Evaporation occurs through the loss of fluid from sweating and by the pulmonary system during exhalation. Any disturbance with the autonomic nervous system or pulmonary system’s functions may interfere with loss of heat by evaporation. Therefore, when administering hydrotherapy, sufficient body surface must be exposed to the air to allow heat loss. Otherwise water temperatures must be kept below a body temperature between 33.3°C and 36.6°C.
Heat loss is affected by: The medical condition of the patient and his/her ability to cope with heat. The environmental factors of humidity and temperature.
If humidity and /or room temperature are too high, the body will have great difficulty with heat loss. On the other hand, should the ambient temperature be too low and the area dry, heat loss may occur to a greater extent than needed causing a chill. Therefore, muscle and joint stiffness secondary to the reduction in peripheral circulation could occur. Strong consideration should always be given to the design and environment of the hydrotherapy area.
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS TO HYDROTHERAPY Adjustment to water This can be achieved through the followings: Breathing control: Good breathing control is essential for all activities in water including swimming. It is frightening to inhale water, which can be avoided by encouraging blowing or breathing out. Blowing is also a pre-requisite for head control, since it helps to bring the head forward and assist in creating forward rotation around the center of buoyancy.
Relaxation: Relaxation or relief of tension is essential for the activity in water. Relaxation is achieved through: –Support, given to the body by the buoyancy. –Weightlessness, experienced by the body when placed in water. –Warmth of water. Head Control: Development of head control forms the basis for development of all functions. Where the head goes, the body follows. If this is true on land, then it is equally true in water.
Balance control: Balance control is acquired through learning how to cope with the body shape and rotational movements that occur as a result of altered shape and by adjustment to the effect of buoyancy. Movement: Movement in water as well as balance and stability is important. It includes the change from positions of standing, sitting, kneeling and lying, to walk forwards, backwards and sideways in water.
Body image and spatial relationship: They can be improved in water through learning body dimensions and the position of the limbs in space as well as in relation with the rest of the body.