Objective As a class, we will debate three claims: 1.Marijuana should be legalized 2.Recreational marijuana should remain illegal, but it should be available by prescription for medicinal purposes only. 3.Marijuana should remain illegal
What is marijuana A mind-altering (psychoactive) drug, produced by the Cannabis sativa plant
What is Marijuana? Marijuana contains over 400 chemicals. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is believed to be the main chemical ingredient that produces the psychoactive effect.
Street Names Aunt Mary, BC Bud, Blunts, Chronic, Dope, Gangster, Ganja, Grass, Hash, Hydro, Indo, Joint, Kif, Mary Jane, Mota, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Skunk, Smoke, Weed, Yerba
Looks like Marijuana is a dry, shredded green/brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves from the Cannabis sativa plant. The mixture typically is green, brown, or gray in color and may resemble tobacco.
Methods of abuse Smoked as a cigarette (joint) or in a pipe or bong Smoked in blunts, which are cigars that have been emptied of tobacco and refilled with marijuana (could cause nicotine addiction) Sometimes smoked with another drug Mixed with food or brewed as tea
3 claims 1. Marijuana should be legalized 2. Recreational marijuana should remain illegal, but it should be available by prescription for medicinal purposes only. 3. Marijuana should remain illegal
Claim #1 Marijuana should be legal (4:38) Marijuana should be legal Marijuana Legalization Organization Economic and budget issue
Claim #2 2. Recreational marijuana should remain illegal, but it should be available by prescription for medicinal purposes only.2. Recreational marijuana should remain illegal, but it should be available by prescription for medicinal purposes only. (10:07) Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis 1
Claim #3 Marijuana should remain illegal (12:36) Marijuana should remain illegal
Your claim: Claim #1: Legalize Marijuana Claim #2: Prescription Legalization of Marijuana only Claim #3: Keep Marijuana Illegal Martin Deborah Alex Oma Yadira Alexandra Daniel Chanell Desiree Haja Tony Emily Eric Jesus Jessie Janita Ashley 1.Read article: “Why Marijuana Should be Legal” 2.Find one more article, print it out. 1. Watch video “:Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis” org/video/ Read two articles provided. 2.OPTIONAL: Find and print out one more aritcle
Everyone must: Write at least a 1 page paper stating your claim and backing it up with facts and evidence that you found from your reading and videos. You must have in your paper at least 5 detailed warrants to back up your claim Be prepared to come in and debate your claim next class.