The Scale of Planets and Stars Question: Just how big do YOU think YOU are?
It is easy to think that we live in a BIG world. In some ways we do. And then some ways our world is not all that big...
You might be thinking... How does Jupiter compare to the sun?
Our star (the sun) is pretty big huh? NOT! Take a look at this...
Yes! Arcturas is big. But you ain’t seen BIG yet... Sirius, Pollux, and Arcturus are stars in other Solar Systems.
Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1000 light years away. Now how big are you? How ‘bout Earth? All this makes us seem kind of small, huh?
In this ONE spiral galaxy there are about one hundred BILLION stars (100,000,000,000). Yes – the universe is a very, VERY, VERY BIG PLACE!!! There are about 1,000,000,000 (one billion) galaxies in the universe!