Andy Warhol Silkscreen process Digital Photography I
Andy Warhol Leading artist in the pop art movement Combined high art and mass culture Painter, filmmaker, printmaker
Pop Art Movement “Pop art and pop culture refers to the products of the mass media evolving in the late 1950s and 60s and also to the works of art that draw upon popular culture - packaging, television, advertisements, comic books, the cinema.”( Originally began in Britain in the 1950s Unlimited reproductions could be made (controversial)
Process Silkscreen (serigraphy) - a printmaking technique in which a mesh cloth is stretched over a heavy wooden frame and the design, painted on the screen by tusche or affixed by stencil, is printed by having a squeegee force color through the pores of the material in areas not blocked out by a glue sizing. Tusche - a grease-like liquid used in lithography as a medium receptive to lithographic ink, and in etching and silkscreen as a resist.
Andy Warhol Left: Self Portrait Right: Campbell Soup Can Series II
Celebrity Prints Left: Jackie Right: 16 Jackie's
Famous Prints Left: Beethoven Right: Ingrid with a Hat
Art Historical Prints Left: Birth of Venus Right: Birth of Venus
Marilyn Prints Left: Marilyn Right: Marilyn
More Prints Left: Zebra Middle: Mao #91 Right: Flowers
Silkscreen style on Photoshop
Over the weekend.... Take 4 formal photos 4 formal photos 4 informal photos 4 informal photos 4 candid photos 4 candid photos
References Beardsworth, John. Photoshop: Fine Art Effects Cookbook. Silkscreen Style pp The Ilex Press Limited, by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Accessed 16 February The Andy Warhol Museum Website. Accessed 16 February Cybermuse: Your Art Education Research Site. Accessed 16 February Accessed 19 February 2009.