Technology on Campus Wireless Amenities Your students have access to wireless across UCF’s main campus. Wireless access in dorm rooms is limited and not always available. Students connecting to UCF wireless networks should ALWAYS use UCF_WPA2 Student log on using their NID and NID Passwords.
Technology on Campus Wired amenities/ Dorm Connections Students must register through ResNET Cat5/e or Ethernet cables will be required to access this connection. Students can register up to 5 devices on this network including Xboxes, Playstations, Wii’s, and personal computers. Routers, Wireless routers, and switches are prohibited from use on campus.
Technology on Campus Knights Facilitated through All official UCF correspondence with the student must be done through the student’s Knight . Knights uses a separate login system. The Knights mailbox will provide students with 25GB of storage. - There is a FAQ and help for Knights available at knights
Technology on Campus Office 365 Students are provides Office 365 for FREE through the University. This includes full versions of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and more! Your student’s Office 365 provides them with 5 installations across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices. Skydrive Business is included in Office 365 and Knights , providing 1TB of space in the cloud..
Technology on Campus Hardware Requirements Minimum requirements: Tablets: Atom or A5 PC: Celeron processor. 2GB of Ram Internet Access Win 7 or 8, or Mac OSX Hardware requirements can change per major, please see our booth outside for additional details.
Technology Commons & Computer Labs Lab Locations Students have access to public computer labs in the following locations: Technology Commons 1; Technology Commons 2; Classroom 1 Room 101;
Technology Commons & Computer Labs Lab Locations All lab computers have Microsoft Office available for student use. College specific software such as SPSS and ArcGIS are also available. Our labs also include assistive technology such as JAWS and MAGIc. Each lab is equipped for paid printing (10 cents B/W, 35 cents color) either locally or wirelessly. o Wireless printing allows students to upload their document from any location and print and pick-up at a specific campus lab.
Technology Commons & Computer Labs Student Support Desk The main Student Support Desk can be found within Technology Commons 2, providing support to the UCF community. Services found at the Student Support Desk include; Wi-Fi set up Diagnostics Virus Removal PC and mobile device repair check-in Software assistance
Technology Commons & Computer Labs Student Support Desk A satellite Student Support Desks can be found in Classroom 1 Services include Wi-Fi set up Virus Removal PC and mobile device repair check-in Software assistance MacBook Air and Dell Latitude Rental
Technology Commons & Computer Labs Video Recording Lab The Technology Commons offers a video recording lab. HD Camera Green Screen Audio Recording Students can make appointments for free 1-on-1 consultations at the Student Support Desk.
Technology Product Center UCF’s Official Computer and Technology Store The Technology Product Center is an UCF owned and operated technology store and demo center. Better Than Education Pricing. Most technology sold through the Product Center is serviceable through our Technology Service Center. The Tech Product Center is a Apple, Dell, Lenovo, and HP authorized retailer.
Technology Service Center PC Service and Repair Service Check-in For the Technology Service Center is located at the Student Support Desk. Apple Authorized Dell Authorized iPhone and Smart Device Repair Our Service center is a no-hassle, no pressure full-service repair facility. Our goal is to provide students with the repairs they need, quickly.
Technology Service Center Serviceable Service Plans Safeware AppleCare and AppleCare+ (iPad) Dell Complete Care