assessment/calendars/ assessment/manuals/dccm/
Calendar Reminders STAAR and STAAR Modified English I and English II tests are one-day tests with a five hour time limit. STAAR Algebra I, biology, and U.S. history will be administered within a one-week testing window. The STAAR grade 8 social studies administration is scheduled for Tuesday, April 22, TAKS and TAKS (Accommodated) primary assessments are no longer available. Any TAKS-eligible student enrolled in grade 11 or higher may take the TAKS tests during any of the four calendar-year administrations.
2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual - STAAR - TELPAS Please retain manual for the entire calendar year Manuals
Expanded Calendar of Events page runs January‒December 2014 List of links to online resources expanded in Coordinator Manual Simplified instructions provided Information on principal’s role expanded Information added where appropriate about standardized oral administration (SOA) Updated additional online resources posted Highlights of the 2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual
List of links to all of the online resources so hard-copy manual users are aware of extra information available online
2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual Organized chronologically Streamlined and simplified content - bullet points and subheads - essential information Contains action-oriented checklists embedded in text - also available on website Expanded information on organization and use of manual
2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual Live links in electronic version Activities are designated “DC,” “CC,” or “DC/CC,” based on responsibility Expanded information on roles of principals and technology staff
2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual Standardized oral administration (SOA) information added where applicable
2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual All online resources have been updated
2014 STAAR Test Administrator Manuals - Grades 3–5 - Grades 6–8 - End-of-Course Will be posted online mid-January 2014 Due in districts by February 17, 2014 Will only be shipped once Must be retained throughout the calendar year!
Highlights of Test Administrator Manuals Instructions do not include campus and district coordinator responsibilities but are limited to test administrator duties ‒ coordinators may assign additional duties as needed Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials listed in test administrator manuals Scripts for online STAAR L and SOA are provided separately
Test Administrator Manuals Same style as Coordinator Manual Scripts cover multiple subjects and programs To accommodate some differences in programs, the scripts use callout boxes Wider boxes have program- specific and subject-specific instructions
Test Administrator Manuals Internal Table of Contents at the beginning of the Test Administration Directions section Points out pages for the Guide to the Test Administration Directions and for the scripts
Test Administrator Manuals The Guide to the Test Administration Directions has general information about using the scripts. This section includes specific information about accommodations and oral administration that must be read by the test administrator prior to the administration of the test.
Test Administrator Manuals The Guide to the Test Administration Directions provides - directions about call-out boxes and how to use “SAY” directions for specific tests, and - information about the distribution of reference materials
Test Administrator Manuals Guide to the Test Administration Directions - includes information about the use of testing accommodations - describes special considerations for English language learners - reiterates that a test administrator must have training from the campus coordinator regarding oral administration and sign the appropriate section of the oath prior to the test administration.
Test Administrator Manuals STAAR L and SOA scripts for online testing are separate from other scripts
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials Allowable procedures and materials are available to any student who regularly benefits from their use during instruction. Students cannot be required to use these procedures/materials during testing. Test administrators must be informed of the availability of allowable procedures and materials for the appropriate students.
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials Allowable procedures and materials are not considered accommodations, hence are not recorded on the answer document. Documentation is not required beyond what is necessary for planning on testing day. The Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials document is located in the following places: 2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual District and Campus Coordinator Manual Resources webpage STAAR Test Administrator Manuals Accommodation Resources webpage
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials 1.Signing test administration directions 2.Translating directions into the native language of an English language learner 3.Allowing a student to read test aloud to self 4.Reading aloud or signing personal narrative, expository, literary, or persuasive writing prompt 5.Providing reading assistance on the grade 3 mathematics test
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials 6. Making assistive tools available - scratch paper - color overlays - highlighters, colored - blank place marker - magnifying devices pencils, or crayons 7. Giving permission for students to use tools to minimize distractions (e.g., stress ball) 8. Allowing individual and small group administrations 9. Gently reminding students to stay on task