What is a global environment?
What is a global environment? The world is made up of global environments, such as rainforests, deserts, oceans, coral reefs, coasts, grasslands, mountains, rivers, tundra, wetlands and polar lands. These large areas are also known as biomes and their locations are influenced by climate, latitude and topography! WHAT IS A BIOME?
World biomes B I O M E S
What is a biome B I O M E Definition! a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment The climate and geography of a region determines what type of biome can exist in that region Major biomes include deserts, forests, grasslands, tundra, and several types of aquatic environments Each biome consists of many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to the small differences in climate and the environment inside the biome
To understand a biome what do you need to know?
To understand a biome what do you need to know? Understanding biomes... the climate of the region Where each biome is found and what its geography is like The special adaptations of the vegetation The types of animals found in the biome and their physical and behavioural adaptations to their environment
LOCATION OF BIOMES In what location would you generally find warm, humid and wet environment like rainforests and coral reefs?
In what location would you generally find warm, humid and wet environment like rainforests and coral reefs? Generally – warm, humid and wet environments like rainforests and coral reefs are located near the Equator where insolation is most intense. Cold, dry environments like polar lands and tundra are found near the Poles where insolation is least!
Global environments TURN TO PAGE 54 in text What sort of environments can you see around the world. Your task: Choose a continent and then explain the different global environments that exist in that continent (don’t choose Antarctica...!) Find a map of your continent! And paste it onto an A4 word document or any other way you would like to present your information include a definitions of each environment on your continent try and find pictures from continents within your environment – include captions with these pictures! Why did you choose your particular continent? Which part of the continent – in which ‘biome’ would you most like to live?
Global environments activity
THERE ARE SEVERAL TYPES OF GLOBA ENVIROMENTS coasts coral reefs deserts grasslands mountains polar lands rainforests rivers tundra wetlands
TASK Use your text from page 59 and define each type of ‘global environment’ then explain what global environment interests you most and why! coasts coral reefs deserts grasslands mountains polar lands rainforests rivers tundra wetlands
DESERTS! WHAT is a desert? See your handouts on page 2 which explains the different types of deserts!
Task using sheet DEFINE DIFFERENT DESERT TYPES What do all deserts have in common? What is a true desert? What is an arid desert? What is a semi arid desert? What is a hot desert? What is a cold desert? Which desert would you like to live in... Extra – How much of Australia is arid? How much of China is cold desert? Where is the Gobi desert located? How much of India is desert and what is the main type of desert in India?
HOW ARE DESERTS USED Read together page 4 of handouts What are Mongols? – picture above from Gobi desert
Similarities and differences between a nomadic lifestyle and living in one place all year round Include ways people use technology to help them survive!
DESERTS TASK In pairs or individually you are to create an interview that is recorded using a video camera or using garage band or the equivalent about a desert that answers the following questions. You might also choose to create a PowerPoint presentation on the desert with pictures and sound. What is a desert? Why is the desert you have chosen of interest to you? Is your desert a hot or a cold desert and how do the temperatures change throughout the year in your desert? What country/countries and continent/s is your desert located in. Include a map What has caused the area to become a desert? (E.g. a mountain range etc) PEOPLE: Do any/many people live in this desert. If so how may and how do they survive? What type of houses to they live in? Are they nomadic? Do people have access to fresh water and electricity? TRANSPORT: How do people get around in this desert? ANIMALS: What animals live in this desert? PLANTS: What sort of plants grow in this desert? Would you like to visit this desert? Why or why not? TIP: Write up all your questions and answers and then record the interview.