Phase 1: Sept. 29 thru Oct. 5 Phase 2: Oct. 6 thru Oct. 12 Phrase 3: Oct. 13 thru Oct. 17 You will need something to write with (Pencil or Pen) 2014 BAILEY BAND PRACTICE-A-THON
WHAT ARE WE DOING? Welcome to the 2014 Practice-A-Thon! What is the Practice-A-Thon you ask? A Practice-A-Thon is a 3-Phase Fundraiser. Phase 1: Get Pledges Phase 2: Practice Phase 3: Collect Money and Earn Prizes It’s awesome because we, the band get to keep all the money! Awesome sauce!
WHY ARE WE FUNDRAISING? The funds we raise will go toward: Sheet Music Lesson Scholarships Food/Treats at Special Events (like Chic-fil-a breakfasts and Cici’s Pizza etc…) Buses/Transportation to places like Sandy Lake, NRH2O, etc… Entry fees for things like Sandy Lake, NRH2O, etc…
PHASE 1: GET PLEDGES Phase 1 Starts on Sept. 29 until Oct. 5. People can donate to you in two ways: They can pledge $ per minute of practice (lets say they pledge 10 ¢ per minute—if you practice 200 minutes then they owe you $20). Or they can donate a flat rate to you (they just give you money). You can ask Family, Friends, and other people that you and your family knows to donate.
DONATION FORMS Take a look at the donation form in your packet. Step one! Write your name where it goes. Step two…write in what instrument you play. Now Dennis is ready to go ask family members, friends, neighbors he knows, and other people he and his family know for donations!
MORE DONATION FORMS Dennis lives near his grandmother, so he walks over to her house. Dennis: *knocks on the door* Grandma: *opens the door* Oh Dennis! It’s so good to see you! Dennis: Hi Grandma! I’d like to tell you about a fundraiser my school band is doing. Grandma: Ok! Dennis: We are having a practice-a-thon. I’m asking you to sponsor me for each minute I practice next week. For example, if you promise 20¢ per minute and I practice 100 minutes then you’ll give me $20 to donate to the band. Or if you’d like to donate just a flat amount that would be great too! Grandma: Sounds good! Put me down for 20 ¢ per minute! Dennis: Thanks Grandma!
MORE DONATION FORMS Great! Now Dennis has 1 donation. Next he calls his basketball coach. Mr. Basketball! Dennis: *dials phone* Mr. Basketball: *picks up* Hello? Dennis: Hi Mr. Basketball! This is Dennis! How are you? Mr. Basketball: I’m good, and you? Dennis: I’m great! I’d like to tell you about a fundraiser my school band program is having. We are having a practice-a-thon. I’m asking you to sponsor me for each minute I practice next week. For example, if you promise 20¢ per minute and I practice 100 minutes then you’ll give me $20 to donate to the band. Or if you’d like to donate just a flat amount that would be great too! Mr. Basketball: Can I just give you $20? Dennis: Totally! Thanks Mr. Basketball! I’ll get it from you at the next practice! Bye!
PHASE 2: PRACTICE Phase 2 Starts on Oct. 6 until Oct. 12. This phase is simple: Practice! You have a special practice record to use this week. The more you practice, the more money you’ll raise.
PHASE 3: COLLECT MONEY AND EARN PRIZES Phase 3 Starts on Oct. 13 and Ends on Oct. 17 Bring the money you collect back to Mr. Callaway and Mrs. Walsh as you collect it. (If someone gives you money before this week YOU CAN TURN IT IN EARLY). The more you earn the more prizes you’ll earn. Remember, if you raise $150 or more your entry fees to the Alley Catz Party is already paid! ALSO: The top two fundraisers will win iPods (or Gift Certificates to Best Buy). ALSO: We’ll be adding up how much is earned by each class and the class who earns the most will win a pizza party!
NOW TO COLLECT: Dennis: Hi Grandma! I practice 100 minutes! Grandma: For your band fundraiser? How much do I owe you? Dennis: Well, 20 ¢ time 100 minutes equals $20. Grandma: Ok, let me write you a check. Dennis: Thanks! Dennis: Hey Mr. Basketball! Thanks so much for agreeing to donate to my band! Mr. Basketball: You’re welcome! Can I give you cash? Dennis: Absolutely! Thanks!
THE PRIZE LADDER Level 12: $150+ Level 11: $125+ Level 10: $100+ Level 9: $90+ Level 8: $80+ Level 7: $70+ Level 6: $60+ Level 5: $50+ Level 4: $40+ Level 3: $30+ Level 2: $20+ Level 1: $10+ Top 2 Fundraisers (Minimum of $200): 2 nd Place: iPod Shuffle (or $50 Gift Card) 1 st Place: iPod Nano (or $100 Gift Card) Concert vs. Symphonic: Most raised gets a pizza party! Intermediate Classes vs. each other: Most raised gets a pizza party!
LEVEL 1 $10 OR MORE Band VIP Card: A Coupon Packages that allows you: To Sit Where Ever You Want in the Classroom for a Day To Practice in a Practice Room During Class 1 Assignment Pass for Each 6-Weeks
LEVEL 2 $20 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND…………….. Your Choice:
LEVEL 3 $30 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND…………….. Your Choice:
LEVEL 4 $40 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND…………….. Your Choice:
SPECIAL PRIZE!!! LEVEL 5 $50 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND……………..
LEVEL 6 $60 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND…………….. Your Choice:
LEVEL 7 $70 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND……………..
LEVEL 8 $80 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND……………..
LEVEL 9 $90 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND……………..
LEVEL 11 $125 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND……………..
LEVEL 12 $150 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND……………..
LEVEL 12 $150 OR MORE All Previous Prizes AND……………..
TOP FUNDRAISERS The two students who raise the most money (must be at least $200) will win:
CLASS VS. CLASS COMPETITIONS There will be two competitions going on: which means…
NOW WHAT? If you have questions you should... That means now…any questions? OK… On your mark… Get set… Fundraise… After school… You have to finish the school day first. #fundraisingmachine