Drop Out Rates in Minnesota Principles of Urban Education (EDU 600) Augusto Vargas Paul Menard Samsam Metropolitan State University
MN Statewide Dropout Rate is at 5.1% Source: MN Department of Education
However, in the Twin Cities, the dropout rate is 63% higher Source: MN Department of Education
Key Findings Regarding Dropout Rates in the Twin Cities The Minneapolis Public School district’s dropout rate was 9% higher than the dropout rate in St. Paul Public Schools in the school year. By gender, the average of dropout rate for male students is 46% higher than female students in the Twin Cities. The ethnic group with the highest dropout rate in the Twin Cities is American Indian/Alaskan Native (21%), followed by Hispanics (17%), African-Americans (10%), and Asian/Pacific Islanders (6%).
Comparison by ethnicity between MPS and SPPS Source: MN Department of Education
Continuation of the comparison by ethnic groups Source: MN Department of Education
Dropout Rates in the Twin Cities by Ethnicity The ethnic group with the lowest dropout rate in the Twin Cities is White Americans, with an average of 3%. The dropout rate for American Indian students is nearly 7 times higher than the dropout rate for White Americans. The dropout rate for Hispanic students is 5.5 times higher than the dropout rate for White Americans. The dropout rate for African American students is 3 times higher than the dropout rate for White Americans. The dropout rate for Asian/Pacific Islander students is nearly 2 times higher than the dropout rate for White Americans.
Continuation of comparison including the English Learners group Source: MN Department of Education
Special education & free/reduced priced lunch groups Source: MN Department of Education
The Male Dropout Rate is, on Average, 46% Higher than the Female Dropout Rate for Students in the Twin Cities Source: MN Department of Education
Key Findings Continued The average dropout rate for English Language Learners in MPS and SPPS combined is 10%, but the dropout rate for ELL students in MPS is 70% higher than English Language Learners in SPPS. The average dropout rate for Special Education students in MPS and SPPS combined is 12%, but the dropout rate for MPS students is 28% higher than SPPS students. The average dropout rate for Students receiving Free/Reduced price lunch in MPS and SPPS combined is 10%, but the dropout rate for MPS students receiving Free/Reduced price lunch is 25% higher than SPPS students receiving Free/Reduced price lunch.