Movie Poster Create Your Own Movie Poster
Elements of the Poster Design
Movie Title Stars Tag Line Photo Illustration
Title Tag Line Stars Photo Illustration
Title Stars Photo Illustration Tag Line
Title Stars Tag Line Photo Illustration
Stars Title Tag Line Photo Illustration
Movie Title The movie title must stand out and catch your audience’s attention.
Stars Stars drive box office sales. Familiar names sell tickets.
Tagline A short grabber that makes people want to see the movie.
Photo Illustration Illustration that grabs your attention, sets the mood, and informs you of the genre.
Reoccurring Elements Large Face
Reoccurring Elements Hero Pose
Reoccurring Elements Silhouette
Icons: Visual shorthand
Icons say Vegas
Post its say an office
Red Shoe says high fashion the fork the devil
Word Art
Photo color illustration
Duo tone
Create your own Movie Poster
It started at the lake
Can you see the ant?
Nice Rocks
Old photo from birthday party
Fun with Photoshop!
Add text art and we have a movie poster!