21 st Century Homeschooling: The Road Ahead Presented by Debra Bell DebraBell.com A Vision of Students Today
Some reason for caution…
Digital Natives Born into a digital world vs. Digital Immigrants ( anyone over 25 yrs old) A3 Learning Anytime, anywhere, anyplace learning On Demand / The end of “regularly scheduled” anything. End of school/college as we know it within a decade. Rise of homeschooling – because of flexibility
Jobs of the future Require: The Age of the Dart Critical Thinking Problem-Solving Technological Innovation Communication Skills Adaptability Will Be Self-Employed and Work From Home
21 st Century Skills Collaboration Independent Learning Communication Problem Solving Decision Making Understanding Bias Leadership Questioning Persuasion Goal Setting Sharing the Air Compromise Summarizing
Web 2.0 READ/WRITE Applications Must read: Blogs Wikis Social Networking Sites Image sharing Podcasts Culture of Collaboration
Popular Web 2.0 Applications
Open Source Movement
Open Learning Movement
Best Courseware
Future of the Book
Digital ( and Free) Homeschooling Google Sites
Google Docs
Google Scholar
Promethean Planet
Mobile Me, Apps, Ipad
Flattening World
What does this mean for you? The cost to homeschool The time investment to homeschool The obstacles to homeschooling The numbers who homeschool The reasons Who homeschools The benefits of homeschooling
What it means to be homeschooled What it means to be educated.