The Council at a Glance Mission Statement: The Council is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a deeper understanding of key contemporary international issues throughout Western PA. Global Education Initiative International Student Summits The Student Ambassador Program Academic WorldQuest World Affairs Institute Global Engagement and Leadership Breakfast Briefings & Luncheon Discussions WorldQuest The Pittsburgh Global Press Conference
Breakfast Briefings Luncheon Discussions Evening Political Salons
International Speaker Visits and Video Conferencing Speaker Visits Work with teachers to match visiting speakers and schools Collaboratively design programs Video Conferencing Connect more students to their peers across the region, Commonwealth, United States, and abroad Students participate in the conversation as if they were there in person Include single speakers and panel discussions Video conference excerpt: Video conference at area high school with Former Japanese Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki
Teacher Professional Development Professional Development Opportunities for Educators ◦ACT 48 credit available. ◦Provide resources and tools to use in the classroom. ◦Keep you abreast of global topics/issues. ◦Connect you with other educators. ◦Provide tips and resources on lesson plan development and design. Summer Institute for Teachers Teacher workshop at Google
Save the Date February 2Ambassador Christopher Hill (Video Conference) Dean, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver Venue: Mt. Lebanon High School February 10Exploring National Security Challenges in 2015 (Video Conference) Eisenhower Fellows from the US Army War College Venue: Thomas Jefferson High School February 11National Security Briefing for Teachers Venue: Point Park University February 12Mr. Pavlos Yeroulanos (Video Conference) Former Minister of Culture and Tourism, Greece Venue: Gateway High School February 24Academic WorldQuest Venue: University of Pittsburgh
U.S. Army War College Series February 10 – 12, 2015 Global Issues Seminars for High School Students Thomas Jefferson H.S. ◦Video Conference and Panel Discussion ◦February 10, 2015, 9:00 – 10:30 AM South Side Area H.S. ◦Panel Discussion ◦February 10, 2015, 9:30 – 11:00 AM Greater Latrobe Area H.S. ◦Panel Discussion ◦February 12, 2015, 9:15 – 11:00 AM National Security Briefing for Teachers Point Park University ◦9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ◦ACT 48 credit available Global Issues Seminar at Hempfield Area High School
Academic WorldQuest Tuesday, February 24, 2015 University of Pittsburgh, William Pitt Union ◦9:00 – 9:30 AM: Registration ◦9:30 AM – 12:30 PM: Competition An estimated 50 teams participate annually (four students per team) Winners travel to Washington, D.C. for the National Academic WorldQuest Competition 2014 Academic WorldQuest at Soldiers and Sailors
Engaging and Preparing Students for a Globalized World Teacher Workshop Thursday, March 19, 2015 IU1 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM The workshop will feature: ◦Overview of global trends ◦Panel of international business and nonprofit leaders and professionals ◦Insight into “soft skills” and “hard skills” desirable in the workplace
Student Ambassador Program Designed for students in grades 6-8 Focus on cultural competency Training with Council Staff Engagement with International speakers Opportunity to participate in Student Ambassador Conference in early May A small number of student presentations are accepted at the conference Students learn a cultural dance at the 2013 Student Ambassador Conference
Summer Seminar on Global Issues Summer 2015 Target high school students Cover key contemporary global issues Utilize range of lecture, interactive activities, and skills-based learning.
Global Leadership Certificate Way to recognize students with an interest in international topics. Combination of academic courses, extra curricular activities, educational experiences, and final capstone project. Loosely based on the Asia Society Matrix for Global Competency. Can be completed within two years. Pilot in school year with six schools; expansion anticipated in future years.
Opportunities for the Future Teacher Workshop on Turkey (Spring) Summer Seminar on Global Issues (Summer) AIU Apprenticeship Program on International Affairs (Next School Year) Student Ambassador Program (Next School Year) World Affairs Institute (November) Global Travel Scholarship (Fall 2015)
Council Resources Lesson plans Simulation and games Video archives Connection to speakers Free programming
Additional Resources and Tools Asia Society Lesson Plans How-to Guides Mapping the Nation Stanley Foundation Lesson plans and tool-kits Google Platforms Constitute Cultural Institute Google Earth The Choices Program (Brown University) Professional Development Curriculum guides Teaching tools Educational videos Global Solutions Global Studies Center (University of Pittsburgh)
Next Steps Where are there efforts to globalize curricula? Who could you identify as possible “teacher champions” in your school who benefit from connecting with the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh?
Thank You! Still have questions? Amiena Mahsoob Phone: Website: