Analyze the Meaningful Use Performance Measures Report and Utilize CMS Attestation Calculator Carmen Land Meaningful Use National Team Business Analyst Data Networks Corporation contractor for US Indian Health Service
Goals At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Analyze the Meaningful Use Performance Measures Report Utilize the CMS Attestation Calculator.
Attestation Performance Measures for EPs The Meaningful Use Performance Measures Report calculates all rate performance measures (numerator / denominator) For all attestation (only) measures, the user will be prompted to answer a yes or no question for each provider for whom the report is being run Although Timely Electronic Access to Health Information is a rate measure, it is being answered via attestation at this time.
What do You Need to Attest? Meaningful Use Performance Measures Report EP EH/CAH Must have already successfully registered for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program Attest using CMS' web-based system that you have met meaningful use criteria using certified EHR technology Attestation Calculator Attestation User Guide
CMS Attestation Must have: –EPs and EHs/CAHs must have a National Provider Identifier (NPI) –EPs must have a National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) web user account, user ID and password to log into the attestation system Users working on behalf of an EP or EH/CAH must have an Identity and Access (I&A) management system web user account (user IED/password) and be associated to the EP’s NPI. There can be only one Authorized Official per organization at any given time
CMS Attestation Application and Security Check Page prompts the user to answer two security questions User IDs cannot be changed Once you have successfully created a User ID and Secret Question/Answer combinations and submitted the record, the User ID and Secret Question/ Answer combinations will remain tied to your record and will not be changed
CMS Attestation Calculator CMS Home > Regulations and Guidance > EHR Incentive Programs > Attestation professionals.aspx
CMS Attestation Calculator
Performance Measures for EPs (Core)
Performance Measures for EPs (Menu)