Building the knowledge base for the implementation/ monitoring of biodiversity strategies Breakout group discussion 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Building the knowledge base for the implementation/ monitoring of biodiversity strategies Breakout group discussion 1

Existing indicator Existing indicator but update can only be done under certain conditions or improvement in spatial or temporal coverage is needed No existing indicator due to methodological issues or data gaps EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy and relevant SEBI and other indicators


1. Which types of information will you focus on? monitoring of PROGRESS towards the targets defined in the national strategy Info data needed to assess rate of loss of species and natural habitats, Info on percentage of restored ecosystems, Info on areas under sustainable agriculture, other monitoring the IMPLEMENTATION of actions defined in the national strategy Info on actions improving management of fish stocks, Info on reducing indirect drivers on biodiversity loss Info on environmental, societal, economic, financial issues Info on biodiversity performance of the sectors other

2. How will different thematic areas be integrated? [linking at the level of target or action or….] monitoring of PROGRESS towards the targets defined in a national strategy monitoring the IMPLEMENTATION of actions defined in a national strategy

3. Which of these information types could be used at the European level? [Scales, comparability, other..] monitoring of PROGRESS towards the targets defined in a national strategy monitoring the IMPLEMENTATION of actions defined in a national strategy

4. Which of the BISE potential tasks below is seen as more important from a national perspective? [rate 1-5]  1. systematically integrating relevant products from Data Centres and other sources, relevant to all Targets of the EU Biodiversity Strategy.  2. ensuring continuous update, follow up and transparency of the work done under the Common Implementation Framework of the EU Biodiversity Strategy at European scale.  3. ensuring the accessibility, integration and comparability of assessments and reporting of progress from the national to the European level [similar to the 2010 BAP reporting].  4. enabling the accessibility and re-use of national products related to CBD reporting, following SEIS principles  5. enabling uptake and re-use of products from research [relevant to the science-policy interface needs of the EU biodiversity strategy]