Tutorial: Engineering technology Topic: Roller bearings Prepared by: Ing. Jaroslav Hábl Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
ROLLER BEARINGS Roller bearing consists usually of 2 rings – inner and outer. Between them are placed bearing rollers. Bidirectional axial bearing has an additional middle ring and its rolling bodies are placed in 2 rows.
ROLLER BEARINGS Types of roller bearings Division according to direction of loading: a) Radial. b) Axial.
ROLLER BEARINGS Types of roller-contact bearings Division according to contact shape of rollers with rings : a) Bearings with point contact. a) Bearings with line contact.
ROLLER BEARINGS TYPES OF ROLLER BEARINGS According to the shape of inner rollers: a) Ball bearings. b) Roller bearings. c) Needle bearings. d) Cone bearings. e) Spherical roller bearing.
ROLLER BEARINGS TYPES OF ROLLER BEARINGS According to number of roller’s rows: a) Single in-line bearings. b) Dual in-line bearings. The shape of radial bearings rings can be adjusted to higher axial loading. Such bearings are called bearings with tapered contacts. Tapered bearings are used to equalize hub axis and shaft’s position.
ROLLER BEARINGS TYPES OF ROLLER BEARINGS Self aligning ball thrust bearing Tilting bearing
Stroje a zařízení I, J. Doleček, P. Gajdoš, V. Novák Strojnictví I, J. Doleček, Z. Holoubek Strojnictví II, J. Doleček, Z. Holoubek Moderní strojírenství, Josef Dilinger a kolektiv
Draw single in-line ball radial bearing. How are roller bearings divided according to shape. Draw self aligning ball thrust bearing