TYPES OF DYSLEXIA A learning experience
When working with younger students, it is VERY important to understand the disabilities you may be working with in order to work with affected students efficiently! Why Is This Important to Me?!
Dyslexia Affects A Student’s Everyday Life
ARE YOU READY?! Let’s Review…
A Short Review of Dyslexia
Let’s See What You’ve Learned… Dyslexia can be developed or acquired True OR False?
CORRECT! Yes! Dyslexia can be either acquired or developed.
TRY AGAIN! OPPS! Actually, Dyslexia CAN be either acquired or developed!
Let’s See What You’ve Learned… All types of Dyslexia are treated the same way True OR False?
TRY AGAIN OPPS! Actually, different types of Dyslexia call for different methods of treatment.
CORRECT! Yes! Different types of Dyslexia call for different treatment methods.
Let’s See What You’ve Learned… You can “grow out of Dyslexia” True OR False?
TRY AGAIN OPPS! Dyslexia cannot be “grown out of” or fixed.
CORRECT! Yes! Dyslexia cannot be “grown out of” or fixed.
Spelling Dyslexia A person with spelling Dyslexia can read individual letters, but cannot recognize whole words. Definition
Spelling Dyslexia Occipito- temporal People with spelling Dyslexia see men as h- e-n Part of the Brain AffectedExample
Let’s See What You’ve Learned… Which part of the brain is affected in a person with Spelling Dyslexia? A.Occipital- temporal lobeOccipital- temporal lobe B.Frontal lobeFrontal lobe C.Parietal lobeParietal lobe D.The CerebellumThe Cerebellum
CORRECT! Yes! Individuals with Spelling Dyslexia Occipital- Temporal lobe is affected.
Try Again! OPPS! Individuals with Spelling Dyslexia are not affected in that area of the brain!
Surface Dyslexia Also known as orthographic, those with surface dyslexia have a problem with the acquisition of decoding and encoding skills. Definition
Surface Dyslexia Broca’s area and inferior frontal gyrus Those with surface dyslexia have difficulty storing mental representations of words. Parts of the Brain AffectedFun Fact
Let’s See What You’ve Learned… What is another name for Surface Dyslexia? A. Orthographic DyslexiaOrthographic Dyslexia B. Phonological DyslexiaPhonological Dyslexia C. Spelling DyslexiaSpelling Dyslexia D. Developmental Reading DisorderDevelopmental Reading Disorder
Correct! Yes! Another name for Surface Dyslexia is Orthographic Dyslexia!
Try Again! OPPS! There is another name for Surface Dyslexia, but that is not it!
Phonological Dyslexia Individuals with Phonological Dyslexia have difficulty manipulating and integrating the sounds of a language effectively. Definition
Phonological Dyslexia Parieto- temporal Those with Phonological Dyslexia are unable to perceive the difference between the “t” and “d” and “p” and “b” Part of the Brain AffectedFun Fact
Let’s See What You’ve Learned… Individuals with Phonological Dyslexia mix up which four letters? A. t,l,d,pt,l,d,p B. q,b,p,dq,b,p,d C. t,p,d,bt,p,d,b D. a,d,c,pa,d,c,p
CORRECT! Yes! Individuals with Phonological Dyslexia confuse the letters t,p,d,b
Try Again! OPPS! Individuals with Phonological Dyslexia do mix up 4 different letters, but those are not it!