+ Dyslexia Sarah Vorpagel and Lisa Hansen
+ Characteristics of dyslexia Common Characteristics Difficulties: Learning and organizing speech Learning letters and corresponding sounds Learning and memorizing math facts and completing operations Reading fluently to comprehend/understand text Spelling Learning foreign languages
+ Characteristics of dyslexia Less Common Characteristics Severity varies In severe cases, can qualify for special education and support services. Some are able to learn basic reading and writing without much difficulty, but experience symptoms when the tasks become more difficult Reading and comprehending long passages in textbooks, applying grammar correctly, and writing essays
+ Misconceptions about dyslexia Common Misconceptions Dyslexics see backwards. Dyslexia is due to a lack of intelligence and motivation. Dyslexics are incapable of learning.
+ It’s important to remember… Capable of being successful learners with appropriate teaching techniques. May spell incorrectly and may appear that they are spelling backwards May be remembering the letters in the word, but are struggling with the order. Need to be encouraged in order to feel like they are making progress Teacher needs to help students it as something that can be conquered. It lasts a life-time, but with coping mechanisms and strategies people can function fully and be successful in life.
+ Modifications that can assist students with dyslexia Directions Break complex tasks and directions into small steps. Demonstrate/model directions and expected behavior Use both oral and written directions Frequently check for understanding Writing Worksheets that require minimal writing. Encourage drawing/ visual images. Provide a “designated note taker” to scribe for the student Type notes on a computer Focus on a single component of a writing assignment. Reduce written work and copying Respond orally
+ Modifications that can assist students with dyslexia Math Allow student to draw visuals Take time to re-teach material Read story problems aloud Break math problems into smaller steps with modeling Testing Allow tests to be taken in a room or hallway Oral tests Untimed tests Reduce the amount of words on spelling tests Avoid or reduce essay tests
+ Modifications that can assist students with dyslexia Homework Reduce homework load. Give grades based on content Assign the class alternate projects General Instruction Don't force to read-aloud in front of class Ask the student how they learn best Grades should be less important than the progress
+ Resources for additional information about dyslexia Dyslexia Awareness and Resource Center National Center for Learning Disabilities Michigan Dyslexia Institute, Inc. Bright Solutions for Dyslexia, Inc. Davis Dyslexia Association International Dyslexia Teacher Dyslexia Directory
+ Curricular modifications for students with dyslexia Teaching systematically, using a multisensory approach By using all learning pathways in the brain simultaneously, more likely to remember the material. Benefit from learning and reviewing the basic elements of a concept and progressing to more difficult aspects. Multiple review sessions can be helpful.
+ Curricular modifications for students with dyslexia One-on-one spelling tests Shorten spelling tests Giving extra time to complete assignments Additional assistance with spelling Explicit modeling of correct spelling Substitute alternatives for written assignments Seat student close to teacher to monitor understanding Peer editing and review of written work