facebook Count Paris is saying “Oh snap, my dear Juliet is dead.” WallPhotosFlairBoxesCount ParisLogout View photos of Count Paris (5) Send Count Paris a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Verona, Italy Birthday: June 20, 1468 Political: Republican Religion: Catholic Hometown: Verona, Italy Friends CapuletLady CapFriar Lawrence PrinceNurse Count Paris is saying “Oh snap, my dear Juliet is dead.” October 7, 1490 Juliet Count Paris I love Lady Juliet so much and can’t wait to marry her. October 4, 1490 Count Paris to Lord Capulet it would be an honor to marry your daughter. October 2, 1490 Lord Capulet to Count Paris Dear Paris, how would you like to marry my daughter Juliet and join the Capulet family. October 2, 1490 Count Paris is going to a party at the Capulet’s house, hoping to meet Juliet September 30, 1490 Count Paris I just saw Juliet Capulet and I think I’m in love. September 28, 1490
Personal Information facebook Count Paris is saying “Oh snap, my dear Juliet is dead.” WallPhotosFlairBoxesCount ParisLogout View photos of Count Paris (5) Send Count Paris a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Verona, Italy Birthday: June 20, 1468 Political: Republican Religion: Catholic Hometown: Verona, Italy Photos Networks: Verona, Italy Sex: Male Birthday: June 20, 1468 Hometown: Verona, Italy Relationship Status: Engaged to Juliet Capulet Political Views: Republican Religious Views: Catholic Activities: Spending time with the Capulet family, being a kinsman of Prince Escalus Interests: Dueling, Riding Horses, Going to Church Favorite Music: Renaissance Favorite Movies: Romeo and Juliet Favorite TV Shows: Dueling Network Favorite Books: Tirant lo Blanch Life in Verona Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Before the Wedding Updated a few days ago Contact Information Address: 2000 Verona Lane, Verona, Italy, Messenger: My Page
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesCount ParisLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Count Paris 4 Photos Count Paris’ Albums 2 Photo Albums Life in Verona 5 photos Before the Wedding 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Count Paris is saying “Oh snap, my dear Juliet is dead.”